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File Backup delete


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Here's My problem, the people of this community are so great with help, i've always been able to get awesome help from these people and i hope i'll be able to fix this as well. My problem is that i had just finished updating and uploading a bunch of mods. i go to back up the files into a compressed .7z archive file, the computer takes a while to do this, so i left the room and when i cam back about an hour later of course the computer went into shut down mod, this disrupted the compression and all of my esp's and esm's got deleted, the meshes and textures and everything else are still right there where they should be, but all the esp's and esm's are completely gone, i found where the computer attempted to put them, but it's a .tmp file and i have no idea how to open that or extract the files from inside, it won't open as an archuve, does anybody know a way around this? this really pisses me off, because it means i'll have to reinstall oblivion and all the esp's from ALL my mods over again, and that will take forever, is there a way to somehow restore those files or to open that .tmp file and extract them? thanks for all the help!
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I don't know the inner workings of 7Zip, but what I would try is to rename the .tmp file to xxx.7z and right click ... 7Zip / 'Test Archive'. It may not be salvagable at all, but you never know until you try.


Why your computer shut down whilst it was working is another matter, and needs to be looked into and fixed -- that should not have happened.

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