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Not too long ago, I had an idea. There are a crap load of vehicles lying around the wastes... Couldn't they be used, somehow?

And thus, my idea. They don't have the know-how to make Stage-coaches, or to fix the cars, but, obviously someone must know how to change a tire, maybe even make one out of wood/rock. And, they should have they basics on knot tying, and some rope. All in all, they could turn a car into a modified stage-coach. And then, no more walking through the wasteland, sweating bullets and worrying about protection against raiders. Now, they just hop in their vehicle, crack a whip, and go. Voila!

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Not too long ago, I had an idea. There are a crap load of vehicles lying around the wastes... Couldn't they be used, somehow?

And thus, my idea. They don't have the know-how to make Stage-coaches, or to fix the cars, but, obviously someone must know how to change a tire, maybe even make one out of wood/rock. And, they should have they basics on knot tying, and some rope. All in all, they could turn a car into a modified stage-coach. And then, no more walking through the wasteland, sweating bullets and worrying about protection against raiders. Now, they just hop in their vehicle, crack a whip, and go. Voila!


First off, yeah its pretty silly. It's because of the game mechanics not supporting "the wheel". It's not made with driving in mind. Those brahmins could've been towing some sort of wagon or something, but it'd look hilariously bad ingame; think if the brahmin was on the edge of a cliff, then turned abruptly. The wagon it was towing would've been hanging in mid-air over the cliffside. Something to do with collisions hardwired into the game.


Then again... Are you talking of fixing cars in a world where most everyone have guns and is willing to shoot at anyone, and the cars explode into a little nuclear explosion after a few shots? I don't... I think I'll walk, thanks. Plus I'd imagine the cars be scavanged to hell and back, think parking your luxurious Mercedes in the wrong neighbourhood overnight. Or that memorable scene from Lord of War where they leave that plane out in the middle of nowhere overnight. Hehe.

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Well, I can see how the issue with the brahmin would make it a no-go, because from what i've been told animation takes FOREVER! However, you find lots of vehicles with no engines about, so I see no reason why someone wouldn't do that with a 'dead vehicle'. Besides, this was just really food for thought, I have only made a few personal companions in GECK, and nothing else. And yes, I could imagine what would happen if the vehicle got parked in a bad spot, I've seen Lord of War myself. He-he, very funny when he hands the assault rifle to a kid.
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