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A Chase Scene


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Anyone have an idea of how to build a chase scene in the game? I have a set up of a track made of rocks through an abyss, and I plan to have the player chase after a monster fleeing from them. How can I script it so that the monster actually flees from the player, rather than diving off the rocks or cowering in a 'corner'?
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Anyone have an idea of how to build a chase scene in the game? I have a set up of a track made of rocks through an abyss, and I plan to have the player chase after a monster fleeing from them. How can I script it so that the monster actually flees from the player, rather than diving off the rocks or cowering in a 'corner'?


I don't know much about modding at all, so don't laugh at my pitiful suggestions, but could you possibly create another instance of the monster with a confidence of 0, and place pathing linearly down your track? Sorta like a deer with a mission.

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The problem with that is that the fleeing thing has a tendency to just stop in a corner (Well, a more sharp turn) and cower, removing the point of the chase.


Hm... Well, could you make the separate instance a creature (assuming it's an NPC to start with) so that it can't cower. I'm thinking just sorta give it the same behavior as the deer, where they flee if you get close, but make its AI more intelligent so it doesn't try to run past you. I dunno if that's possible though. Is it supposed to be that you follow it to a certain point, or follow it around and around, whacking at it when you can?

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