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Move those corpses around


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When I try to carry, say a human corpse around, press ''Z'' on the body I can move it around, but only on walk speed.


When I try to carry a human part around(let it be an amplified arm or simple plain flesh) it's very hard to move it around and when I try to take it somewhere, I can do it but only even slower than walking speed.


When I try to carry a little creature around, say, a Molerat, no problems there.


When I try to carry around a big creature or robot around, however, I might aswell not do that.


So, what I'm asking is, can someone make a mod that we can carry all those nasty corpses around easily? I'm just sick of seeing corpses around when I revisit somewhere, it's annoying. Besides, say I killed someone when nobody was around in Rivet City Market. And when I come back in the morning bam, it's right there and people just act like it's not even there. Now I know it's just a game, but somebody should get rid of it, so I carry it to some dark corner but I can't do that easily, right? Another reason to make this mod.


Unfortunetly though, I'm very new to Geck and cannot think of a way to make this mod so I'm asking you, dear reader, could you make that mod for me and for all those people who need this mod but haven't even noticed they do?


PS: Maybe there's a way to change the weight of corpses in Geck?

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Not ''remove'', it's ''disable'' I used to use it. But I thought hiding them would be more, realistic.
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Just browsing through the game settings; fGrabMaxWeightRunning (50) and fGrabMaxWeightWalking (100) look like the two variables responsible for governing your movement speed when grabbing something. Try cranking those up a bit and see if it makes a difference. Searching the settings in the GECK with f*grab as the filter will find them both.<br><br>EDIT: Ok, I had a play with them: Setting them high enough will allow you to run while grabbing a person, but as is implied in the names they're just limits for determining speed and have no impact on the strength of the grab, ie, Even with both 5mill you can barely lift a sentry bot's arm, but you can run while grabbing anything you can carry.
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I wonder if NPCs themselves have weight values, and perhaps by decreasing them they could be moved around easily. But that MIGHT cause them to float in air(for lighter enemies, like Radroaches or Ghouls), if that value exist at all.
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(for lighter enemies, like Radroaches or Ghouls),


What? Ghouls are way heavier (when they die) than humans in the game. Human bodies have slightly less-than-realistic weight to them, dragging one off to hide the body seems like you're dragging something that weighs like a real human around. Ghouls are just the heaviest thing known to man for some reason. Not to mention that skeletons are made of lead or something. Which I think is why they have the habit to go flying in your face when you just gracefully touch their pinky-toe.


Fiddling with those settings could spark some hilarity though, suddenly you're able to move those huge buses around with ease. :biggrin:

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