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Move those corpses around


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(for lighter enemies, like Radroaches or Ghouls),


What? Ghouls are way heavier (when they die) than humans in the game. Human bodies have slightly less-than-realistic weight to them, dragging one off to hide the body seems like you're dragging something that weighs like a real human around. Ghouls are just the heaviest thing known to man for some reason. Not to mention that skeletons are made of lead or something. Which I think is why they have the habit to go flying in your face when you just gracefully touch their pinky-toe.


Fiddling with those settings could spark some hilarity though, suddenly you're able to move those huge buses around with ease. :biggrin:


I meant Ferals. I can move Ferals around easily.

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thic could make my "stack raiders ontop of car and blow it up" moments much easier and interesting


usually get tired of walking after bout 3 corpses


50 raiders + 100 frag mines + 1 MIRV + 3 cars = AWESOME


That'd crash my PC so hard it wouldn't return to desktop for 3 months.

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