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Bruma Freezes after Main Quest


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Hi, anytime I enter Bruma and thats any method Ive tried except the coc way, My game will crash I believe it was because I had Modded armor on when I closed the gate and they couldnt build that statue which is causing it to crash, But when I went into the Construction set and deleted the marker for the player statue and made it into an ESP it still freezes and I dont know if its the problem anymore, any help would be appreciated, Thanks
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I would do this. Open your console (tilde key). And type

setstage ************


Replace the ************ with the quests name. Press enter.


This will make the quest start over.




There is also a way to make it start out at a certain staget of a quest.


setstage <questid> <stage>


Sets the current stage of a quest. Quest stages can be found on each individual quest page. First, select the quest you want to change in your journal. Use the SQT command to see the quest id, then use the getstage command to see the stage. Usually you add or subtract 10 to change the stage, but there are exceptions.

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Alright when I would try this it wouldnt begin the quest or remove it from the completed section so could you explain it to me cause I think I may be messing up somewhere I got it to say getstage>100.00 but nothing happend
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Okay, I got sick of the issue so I made a quick fix to the problem, I made a mod where in the bruma caverns there are ladders and doors to all the main places like the Castle and guild halls but I want to share it with other people thats having the same issue and just wanna quick fix, and Im really new to modding and I dont know how to get my .esp files and make a copy to zip them up for upload, You think you can help me there as well?


BUT if there is a for sure fix to this I would still love to fix it

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Everyone thanks for all the tips but I this was the one that worked for me, thsi guy is BA for anyone else that needs help with this exact same prob here you go




And if that dont work...well I got something thats make shift for quests only if I knew how to upload it, so thats what I need help with now

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