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Crossfire or better CPU?


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I'm thinking of upgrading my computer, but I've heard mixed advice on what will have the largest performance impact, better CPU (higher clock rate per core, since oblivion doesn't do a lot of multithreading) or crossfire two 4850's (I have one already).


I run a lot of texture mods, but VRAM usage never seems to go over 900MB (out of 1GB VRAM). I still get a lot of stuttering in some areas, especially Market District (Better cities).


List of GFX mods:


QTP3 Redimized

Better Cities (more objects in cities = more lag)

Misc retextures (i.e cloaths, weapons armour, faces)


I want to use OBGE (SSAO), but it lags to much outside, would crossfire increase performance?




Radeon 4850 1GB


Phenom 2 X3 2.5GHZ

790XT-G45 motherboard Socket AM3

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What you have to remember is that Oblivion is an OLD game, and was not designed to run on multi-cores, 64bits, not to mention mods like QTP3 and RAEVWD. The bottom line is no matter what your rig consists of, with mods like BC, QTP3, RAEVWD, and high resolution texture replacers of any kind, you WILL get low FPS, end of story -- no ifs, no buts.
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