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Brotherhood of Steel


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Brotherhood of Steel - Cyrodiil Detactment




Ever wondered waht would happen if An Oblivion Portal opened some where in the Capital Wasteland? Say some place out the Way, where only a few Skavengers, picking through what's left over in the Aftermath of a Nuclear War?


What would happen if a Brotherhood of Steel Scouting Party would happen to stumble across the Unknown Firery Portal to God knows where?


This is the Story of one Such Incident.




Since the Aftermath of the battle for The Jefferson memorial and just before the Assault on that Saterlite Complex witch offered the Destruction of The Brotherhoods much valuble Piece of Pre-War Technology that Was Liberty Prime (God I miss that Robot), The Brotherhood had been scouring the Wastes, looking for more signs of Pre-War Technology, looking for More Raw troops to Join in the Never Ending Fight Against The Enclave and the SuperMutant Threat and forever expanding thier influence for the Big Push back East to the Eastern Seat of thier Order, in where thier First Traveled From.


One Such Scouting Party came across a Strange Firery Phenomenon witch looked like a Gateway to Hell.


At first, they thought it was the Radiation playing havoc with their eyes but this Area (Just North East of Raven Rock, Former Base of the Enclave) had minimal Radiation contanimation if you dont count the muddy water pools, The head Paladin then first realised this was not an Optical Illiusion, but infact a Stranding Firey Doorway of somesort that pulsated what he would believe was Pure Evil.


This Made his hair on the back of this Neck strand on end and It irritated him as it rubbed against the rough, leathery Rubber undergarments Under his Power Armor.


He Clenched his Laser Rifle and odered 3 initiates to acompany him to investigate this flame doorway to an unknown universe.


With his Second in command, a Knight covering his back with a Minigun in grip as well as 4 other Initiates aiming their Sniper Rifles and Assualt Rifles at the Portal incase something 'orrible emerges from it, he and the Initiates slowly approach the Portal and scan its entry point.


The Rippleing, shimmery surface looked hypotising and he pulled out his arm to reach into the Abyss...


.... Then, something unexpected happend... the Ground Quaked beneath them and this sudden jolt flung the Paladin + 3 Initiates into the Event Horizon of the Portal and they disapeared.


The Knight watching thier back was startled and appauled at whwat happened but was uneased even more by the Shaking gound.


So he ordered the Resr of the Squad to follow him into the Firery Gateway to Hell and rescue those who fell in first.


One by One, they entered with The Knight Entering Last, tho unsteaderly cos the Earth Quaking beneath him....


....Blackness..... Then a Groggy, hazy view had awoken him, the Knight Focussed his view into, Well View and a Sight that shocked him to His Very Soul.


All around him was a lake of Fire, Even the sky seemed to be alight with Bolts of Firey Lightning but at the same time it was Night.... The Ground was black as Ash and Strange Twisted plants seemed to stick out of Cracks in the Ground..


He knew he wasnt in the Capital Wasteland anymore...


He saw his Team Leader, The Paladin standing about cluching his damaged Laser Rifle witch was damaged beyound Repair. He had this Rifle for 23 Years and it never left his Side.

His Power Armor was Scorched and heaverly Damaged too.


He was not the Only one as the Whole Scouting Patrol's Gear and Weaponry where Burnt and Damaged.


The Paladin immediatly Came to his Senses and ordered the Whole Squad to immediatly return back the way they came from as right behind them was another Firery Portal, identical to the One they entered.


All the Team, the Paladin, Knight and Initiates gathered themselfs and made thier way through the Portal once more and then.........


..... More Blackness as both Trips through the Portal where shocks to Thier Systems.


One of the Initaites awoke first to find some green plant brushing against Her face, it had a funny fresh type of smell, somthing she never smelt before.


As her view came into focus, she noticed A Tree behind her, tho this was no oridinary Dead Tree she was so used to Seeing in the Capital Wastes... No This was ALIVE. With Green, leaves, flowers, Photosynthisis.. all that Good stuff (Three Dog via GNR Radio)


She then realised that she was sitting on grass, surrounded by Flowers, bushes and the semi-Concious team mates who where also slowly realising the same things she was experiencing.


The Paladin stood up, removed his damaged Power Armor and slowly took a few Steps Forward on the Soft, Green Blanket around him. He Also looked at the Ground that Some familiar Scorch Marks and Black Rocks where, what he thought was once where on of those Firery Portals Once Stood.


Some of the Squad then realised the Sun, glistening though the tree leaves and filtered down on what seemed to be a Lush valley full of Greenery and Life. Some White Structers could be seen in the Distance... and they reflected of the surface of waht seemd to be the Cleanest, Bluest Water they had ever seen.


What also reflected of it was the image of Two large Moons hovering over head....


The Paladin Immediatley they were definatly Not in the Capital Wasteland, or even Earth for that matter...


Perhaps he was dreaming, but he, an Experienced Warrior and Leader, would have realised if he was dreaming or not as he had been unconcious before an Number of times during fights between raider and Super Mutants in The Washington DC Ruins.


This was a most un-nerving development from what seemed to be a mundane Routine Patrol...


With all of thier Weapons damaged with no obvious ways to repair them, and Thier Power Armors scorched to kingdom Come, there seems hardly away to proceed forward, if anywhere at this time.


The Obvious Option is to find food, shelter and if possible, any form of intelligent life...


So the Scouting Patrol set forward towards the Lush Green Valley as it seemed the Obvious place to proceed...


No Body knows what These Brothers Of Steel Will Find...


.... To Be Continued....




Well I do hope you like my Story so far as It was just from the top of me head.

What i want to do is Add the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout 3 and make them some sort of Faction you could join, interact with etc.


I already have a Botherhood Sword they could use as a trade Mark Weapon already as a Mod for Fallout 3, converted by Captain-Ultima:

Found Here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12789


Could somebody make a Oblivion Friendly version for me to use please?


I also would like to Add the Brotherhood of Steel or BoS for short's Logo to Cuirasses, gloves, Helmets, Boots and most importantly, a Shield as it would most Definately Look damn Good I reckon:


The Brotherhood of Steel Emblem:




I hope people like this idea and support it. Help would be much appreciated aswell. I can do the Armor Retextureing but I would need a Black Blue type cuirass to do so.


Info on the Bortherhood of Steel via Wiki for those Not familiar to them: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Brotherhood_of_Steel


NOTE: I know some people will not like the Idea of having a Fallout 3 styled Mod/idea in Oblivion but Remeber that Bathesda did make these games AND made them Extremely Modderble so that All tyoes of people Can add what ever they want, depending on thier skill.


I think these dudes will fit right in with thier "Pseudo Knightly Nonsense" As President EDen of The Enclave puts it (:


I will begin asap.





NOTE: I did put up a file page but people surrgested that I create a forum page so I did. This is It.


All I need really is somebody to convert this Weapon: Found Here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12789 - converted from Fallout 3 to Oblivion as that would be only I need really. The Rest I can more or less do myself with a lil guidance.


All I plan so far is to create a Cuirass (kvatch, Skingrad, Leyawiin tec Guard style) Boots, Gautlets, Helm with the Brotherhood Emblem. (Shown Above) I will also Create some sort of Scribe Robe and Elder Robe too later.


If you would like to help, im more than happy to take any and all help. Nothing Big is needed to undertajke this Mod, Just a few Simple Reskins ( All we need to Plop on a Bos Symbol on a Blue Cuirass and Bingo, Job done.)


Ah Also A Dencent Shield With the BoS Emblem would be fantastic too.


Thanks and I do need some help obviously.



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Sounds very interesting o_O


All I need really is somebody to convert this Weapon: Found Here: http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=12789 - converted from Fallout 3 to Oblivion as that would be only I need really. The Rest I can more or less do myself with a lil guidance.


I would start a separate thread for that question. Not my area of expertise or I would help ya out. :blush:

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Good idea. More threads the better really but only to a certain extent otherwise It could count as spamming.
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I didn't read you all but I do have a little constructive criticism. (I will read it all later, I just have a headache right now.) When I see mod projects like this calling for help or such I always try to read it as someone who could want to join it, even if either the concept is unappealing to me or I simply do not have the time to take on ANOTHER large project. (The second one in this case. Both in some others.)


When I take other, successful mod projects calling out for help and the one I currently read I try to offer some pointers as a POV of a spectator who has seen what has been proven time and time again to help and what has not.


Spelling. The biggest problem. It's not really ALL that much a problem, but I did either stumble a bit for meaning (migraine - otherwise I wouldn't be stupid.) or see a lot of both common and uncommon mistakes.


Right at the beginning, I think you wanted to say was attachment, but it came out attatment or something. Scavengers, fiery, satellite, and a bunch more. I read only a couple paragraphs and found numerous spelling errors.


I know it can get a little annoying with most people becoming used to modern day taboo of "1337 5p34ck" and all those "omg's, zomg's, brb's, ttyl's" and etc. I even got used to them quite a while ago, but the inner OCD of mine took over after a while of not being not sober and I corrected that. But when coming to forming a team, or even a request for other ways of help when dealing with a large project that requires a very large post of description it is imperative to use as much correct spelling, punctuation (punctuation I did not see, so far, any problem with. Kudos, that's normally the biggest one.) as possible.


There are a few reasons for this, but the number 1's are these: People can sometimes feel that if someone is unable to use correct consistent spelling they may not have what it takes to make a good mod; People can get tired of all the spelling errors and feel that it's just not worth reading the rest; People who have the potential and are looking to be part of a project want to be part of a good project that they think will acquire a lot of attention and give the most for their time in the end. When looking for a big project they take a lot into account, first of all and foremost, presentation and first impression.


Mostly it's the presentation and first impression. You want to have a good one. Spelling errors kind of throw that off. This, of course, means little in reality to your true potential, but again this is only a suggestion from someone who has seen a lot of potentially good mods fail because of bad presentation. A lot of people, including myself at times, simply stop reading and move on like it doesn't even exist.


Another suggestion would be to use Firefox with its feature of spellchecking. Or, at least, spell error checking. I don't even know if it allows an autocorrect or correct at all feature.


Anyways, I'll bookmark this page and come back to it. When you either reply or dismiss this post I'll edit and delete it with my new response to your idea for the mod, which will include me reading its entirety. (Mostly so when further comments arise people aren't distracted from what accidentally turned into a long suggestion about spelling. >_< )


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: I do like what I've seen so far as far as ideas go, and I do want to help. Unfortunately with my load the only thing I can do is idea giving, logical reasoning and explanations for realistic ways the unrealistic and feasibly happen, etc. I'ma fast typer, it doesn't take a whole lot of time out of my day. I know, due to how little this can help considering you could do it yourself, that you'll probably decline, but I just want to ensure that I can offer any help that I can give, and unfortunately that's about the limit.

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I imagine you might be able to find an armor built for Fallout 3 from scratch by someone, and convert it to Oblivion. It'd be legal as long as it was scratch built. The skeletons and such might need a bit of tweaking, though.
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I really like the sound of this. I dont have MUCH experience modding, but I am willing to help where and when i can. However, there is ONE detail I KNOW i can help with.


A personal issue for me with mods (and I'm sure many other people) is lack of voices. Now I completely understand why that is, however, with something like this that is totally new content using new characters, I believe I could help you get a wide range of voice actors/actresses for the brotherhood themselves. It would really just add that next level of immersion.


Go ahead and PM/IM/email me with anything you need help on, and I'll see what I can do.

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Great idea, but it's going to be extremely hard to introduce guns as all the current gun mods available for oblivion are extremely poorly made and fire spells not bullets. Perhaps if you started with a Crossbow, shrunk the bolts a ton and remove the tail feathers, improve its speed and accuracy by leaps and bounds, and change it to reflect the look of a gun and sound like one. Might be a bit simpler than starting from scratch.


I'll diffidently keep a eye on this project though...

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