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Super Mutant City


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Hi guys im new here,Anyway i thought of a cool Concept,well here it is:

Super mutant city:A city that Is Full of Mutants That live Everyday Life


New Super Mutant Types!


1.Super Mutant Destroyer

A New Powerful Mutant.They Carry The New Gattling Gun With New Ammo,Gattle Belts!These Mutants Can Also Put Up A Nice Fight With There Massive Strength And 10% Fire Resistance.

2.Super Mutant Terminator

A Killing Machine That Earned The Title Terminator:A Invincible Killing Robot.These Powehouse's Are Always Armed With A Tesla Cannon,To Make Sure They Bring Down The Player.

3.Super Mutant Elites

The Elite Troops Of The Super Mutants.These Guys Carry The New Weapon,The Mutant-o-Tron,A Powerful Weapon That Turns Any Human Into An Evil Powerful Mutant.It Also Has A New Ammo,Glob Cells.Also Depending On The Players Luck They May Have 100-1,000 Caps Via Corpse Or By Pickpocketing.

4.Super Mutant Commanders

New Description Coming Soon!

5.Super Mutant Dominator

New Description Coming Soon!

6.Super Mutant King

The Supreme Leader Of All Super Mutant's!!!


City Areas


City Plaza

a medium size plaza in The middle of the city.Beware as behemoths Spawn here Depending on level.There are also Paths that lead to other parts of the city.The Number Of Behemoths Depend on Level:

Lv.10-19=1 Behemoth

Lv.20-29=2 Behemoths

Lv.30=3 Behemoths

City Gate

A gate To Enter The City,You must Defeat The Evil Super Mutant Guardians To Gain Entry

City Battlegrounds

A Large Area in The city You Must Pass to Get To The HQ.It Has 2 Titans + 2 Colossi When you First Get There,it Also Has Many Other Mutants Depending On Level.


City Buildings


Super Mutant HQ

The Kings Lair Deep within Super Mutant City.The Lobby Has an Elevator to Take you To the Next Floor + 2 Overlords That Spawn Here Once in a while.The HQ has 5 Floors + The Roof:

1st Floor:This floor has many rooms with many kinds of Mutants.

2nd Floor:This floor Has A Hidden note about My Next Project

3rd floor:Full of Overlords And Masters.

4th floor:Full of Commanders

5th Floor:It has a Huge Arena to Fight The Hugest + most Powerful Mutant.He Has A LOT! of HP,Yikes!,Not Even A Mirv Can Destroy it.He Wields The Mighty Blazer Cannon,A weapon that Blasts you with A powerful Beam

Mutie Mall

A Big Mutant Shopping Center,That has Many Stalls with Settelers Forced to Sell stuff.It Also has an Escalator To go to The Next floor.

Super Mutant City Armory

An Armory Located Somewhere in The city,This is wear The super Mutants Stock There Weapons And Armor,Its on The Medium Side.

Vault 25,75,50 And 100

4 Vaults Around The City Filled With FEV,These Vaults Are The Main Source Of Mutants in Super Mutant City.Without The Proper Armor You Will Die Instantly From Heavy Amounts Of Radiation And FEV If You Step Inside.The Vaults Are Commaded By The King And He Put's Massive Amounts Of FEV + Radation in Them Everyday Through The Vaults Ventilation System.Every Vault Has Its Own Unique Weapon And I won't Spoil Them.


Securing The City

Quest Start:Talk To Paladin Nexus After You Beat Broken Steel,He Will Be Standing In The Yard in The Citadel.

Description:You Lead The B.O.S To The City So They Can Secure It As Their Own.

Rewards:Super Gauss Rifle,Big Daddy With 1 Mini-Atom.

===New Weapons===

Gatling Gun

Locations:Super Mutant Destroyers Carry These.

Base Dmg/100 Skill Dmg:250/400


Mutant-O-Tron [Temp. Name]

Description:Turns A Human Into A Mutant That Helps Destroy Your Foes,But They Lose Health Every Second Till Your Friendly Mutant Dies.

Location:Elites Carry These.

Base Dmg:1


*Note:The Weapon If Used By Hostiles,Will Turn The Player Into A Mutant And You Can't Control Him,As He Will go Berserk For 15 Seconds And Will Also Lose Some Health.


Big Daddy

Description:A Pre-War Atomic Launcher Experiment,It Was Completed But Was Lost During The War With Only One Ammo Remaining,It Uses Powerful Mini-Atoms Instead Of Nukes.It Has Alot More Range Than A Standard Mini-Nuke.

Location:Sometime In The Quest Securing The City.



*Note:You Only Get One Mini-Atom For The Entire Quest,So Use It Wisely.


More Weapons Coming Soon!


As you can see its a decent concept and will Expand overtime.I also Need a Team to help Me work on it:


Project Leader:ModMaster1558



Beta Testers:Falloutperson416

Weapon Developer:Theonewhoisodd


if you want to join this project post below or Email me at [email protected].

I cant start yet because my pentium desktop is slow + broken and im getting a Hexacore Desktop soon in 1-2 weeks,before that i will think of more ideas,also post ideas I should put in to super mutant city like buildings and weapons or even Quests and will update the concept overtime.


(Latest Project Updates)

8-6-10:Updated Concept with Minor Fixes

8-7-10:Updated Concept With 1 New Area + Mutant King,Also Replaced Commander Armory With Super Mutant City Armory,Also Added Mutie Mall.Finnally I Added City Battlegrounds.

8-9-10:Cleaned Thread + Minor Edits and Changed Super Mutant Kings Health to The Maximum Amount.

8-12-10:Preparing To Change Thread + Add 2 New Sections!

8-13-10:Heavily Updated The 2 New Sections + Added 4 New Area's And Finnaly Changed Some of The Mutant Descriptions.


{Things To finish/Do}

-Implement Theonewhoisodd's Project Harrison if he wants Me To:1% (I will Add his Mutants To the Completed Project)

- Complete concept:100%

- Quests:15% [Planned 1/4 Quests So Far]

- Team:45% (Still need 2 Positions Covered + 2 More Beta Testers)

- Implement Other Mods:0%

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Okay so three things:

1. Change in the buildings where it says the one boss has 700 Million Hit Points. This is first of all unrealistic and second it is to my knowledge impossible in the GECK.

2. Since I am the Texturist then I guess I might as well be the Weapon Developer. Just seems like it'd be cutting out a lot of work for someone else to get the texture from me the implement it.

3. Are there any positions over at Project Harrison you'd be able to take over?


EDIT: Someone over at Harrison came up with an idea that you might be able to implement.


lol... how about the option to become a super mutant from being a dumbass and not wearing proper breathing protection in Vault 87, causing you to breath in FEV, turning you into a super mutant. Or if you get "killed" by super mutants, they drag and change you into one of them, or even finding a syringe with FEV and changing yourself into one. Leveling you up increases the mutation, from it not being so drastic, to being like... WHOA



Super strong, and healthy, able to basically run and gun throughout the mod with a chaingun, also able to throw mininukes like footballs... lmao



Fugly, around no stealth skill at all, lowered charisma and intelligence, you get the picture.


Similar to the Ghoulification mod, just taking a diff direction. Throwing out the idea

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Okay so three things:

1. Change in the buildings where it says the one boss has 700 Million Hit Points. This is first of all unrealistic and second it is to my knowledge impossible in the GECK.

2. Since I am the Texturist then I guess I might as well be the Weapon Developer. Just seems like it'd be cutting out a lot of work for someone else to get the texture from me the implement it.

3. Are there any positions over at Project Harrison you'd be able to take over?

1.ok Also I thought it Over and will Add fire Resistance to The king + Max Hp he Could Have,Haven't use Geck That Much so i Don't Really Know what the Max Hp was so srry about the Mis-Conception.


2.Thanx,Since I Barely Have A Team And Hopefully Fallout Person Finds me A couple of Team Members,I PM'ed him so He should Reply Back.Once we get All the Team Members we Can Start.


3.Not Sure,ill check The List to See which one Suits me The most.

Edit:Oh and The Idea that guy gave You souds Pretty Decent,ill look into that,Also will Discuss What The City Could Use like more Areas or Stuff with The Team.

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This seems... like an anti-god mod. Those muties may sound cool, but you aren't going to hook many people with that. It'll be too tough. You need to ramp them up appropriately, kind of like the SMs in the vanilla game/dlc. Use the GECK to find out the amount of HP a Master has, then ramp it up by 1.25. Keep doing so with each step. Trust me, it'll make it tough, and if the king has resistances, he'll be pretty tough to take out, especially if he has buddies with him. Just a few things I thought I would throw out there. Great concept though :)
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