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Options and Video Options CTD.


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I have the latest patch installed for plain old morrwind, I haven't bothered to get any expansions yet.


When I try to run options from the loader it just closes and does nothing. No error recorded either!


So I thought I'd be sneaky, I fired up the game and opened the option menu within the game. I can go to all the option settings EXECPT for video. When I do the game CTD, everytime. Again there is no error log!!!! Grrrrrrr.


I'm running Winxp sp1, with an msi geforce 4 ti 4200 VTD.


I just want to change a few video options but I cannot. Anyone else have this problem? Or is there a file somewhere that I can change the video option, like an ini file.



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hmm... there IS morrowind.ini, in the C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind (default) directory. i think u can alter the options from there, IF u can figure out which bit is the video options. just make sure 2 backup the file first...


either that, or u cud try reinstalling then re-patching ur game (starting from the earliest patch to the latest). oh and getting the latest drivers and such for ur video card could help.

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Yeah I've fished around in that ini file but couldn't find a solid reference to video or anything like that so I didn't feeling like changing anything.


I do have the latest drivers for my video card. *shrug*


As for different patch versions. I have tried it with no patches and also tried it with the latest patch. I have reinstalled it twice now . . . . ugh . . . . about to run a virtual machine and install 98 lol . . . .

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oh, very good idea. I am running a funky res on my desktop. I'll give it a go . . . . .


*changes res*


*fires up game*




Well it was a good idea. Still can't get in. Guess I just settle for the default video settings.


Thanks for the idea though. =)

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