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Yeah that's what I meant, using an xbox controller on the pc. That's what I use to play skyrim instead of keyboard and mouse. Also yeah probably, I think getting the smooth camera movements would be hard using a mouse, but it might be possible I dunno :S If it were me though I'd use an xbox controller, seems much easier that way.

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That's cool. I may end up making a video for my own mod, & this info will help a lot. I just watched another video by the same person & it does look pretty cool. I've seen the other style where the camera moves in slow motion, but I'm afraid I'd mess up my settings trying to do that :)

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Not that I've seen. You need software that allows you to video record while playing, such as FRAPS, etc., a high end computer that can handle both apps running at the same time, & other than that possibly a console type controller to make the type of camera moves that are mentioned above. There are console commands you can use ingame to freeze the environment & move around that also make for good videos. Look up any vids from Hodilton on YouTube to see how he does his Skyrim vids.

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