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The Witcher 2


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Boss battle



13 minute long video/interview


It's shaping up to be one of my most anticipated game releases ever. The graphics are amazing, the combat is amazing, the story looks to be very interesting, there's really cool boss battles, thousands of items, in-depth RPG elements, no loading screens. It looks almost too good to be true. The best part is that it's made with PCs in mind specifically.

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Oh WOW, never seen those for it...so awesome!! I CAN'T WAIT! :D The first game has to be one of the best fantasy RPGs I've ever played. Witchers are cool, and Geralt...well he's just shmexy hehe ;) Hmm looks like the fighting is different :) Cool :D


Also can't wait for the rest of the novels to be translated, those were just excellent :) Chapter I of the game is just like one of the stories in the books...was so cool :D Even mention tidbits of some of the stories from the books in the game as well.


Haha, time to go play it :P

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Wow, that boss battle looked freaking awesome! I never played the first one, but this one looks pretty cool. Are there "flamey" weapons in the Witcher series? Also, judging by that video, there's going to be some weapon switching since he has another sword on the back?
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In the first one...you have your Steel Sword for humans and your Silver Sword for monsters/creatures, you switch between them. You also have to switch styles depending on what you are fighting. Strong style is heavy armoured, slow moving monsters/humans. Fast Style is for light armoured, fast moving. Group is when you gotta bunch of them around you. Group style is so awesome hehe. You also have to click the right way to do combo moves. You also can use a dagger and axe...but they stink :P And there's magic (Signs). Only good one is the Fire one IMO. Plus, alchemy :D It's actually necessary to survive in the game, I like that :) It's really a good game, you should get it :) The storyline is really good...and what you do changes the actions of the game. You can choose sides later on in the game or remain neutral. Staying neutral is very difficult lol...that's what I'm doing right now :)


But it looks like they changed the fighting style in this one so far...looks pretty cool though :) They took out the click to do combo moves I heard. Will be interesting...finally a game to look forward to :D Graphics are just stunning, they were pretty nice in the original too :)

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Loved the books, loved the first game, gonna love this one.


Triss looked like a piece of crap in the first Game, characters looked a bit wild and dead and sometimes ya just didnt know what ta do.


Seems ta me Zoltan and Triss are now more Companion like, I do hope that at least.


Is there still going to be three style fightin with two weapons?

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