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Character Change Anytime


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I need a mod that automatically adds an item to the players inventory and allows him to edit his character when clicked on. I haven't found any mod for this and hell I tried doing this myself. None of that worked out. I need this for a series of filming I need to do. Kudos to anyone who can get the job done.



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Eh? typing showracemenu into the console will bring up the race/face/hair selection screen. There isn't really a point in scripting it onto an item, would be quicker to just type it in than find an inventory object. ShowBarberMenu and ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu will allow changed to hair/face without changing anything else, but as far as I'm aware, showrace includes both of those + more.


If that isn't the type of editing you're referring to, you're gonna have to provide more detail.

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The GECK wiki is a godsend. No matter how experienced/interested a modded you are, just read through a few articles on there and you've saved yourself from asking thousands of questions.


Even just going through the list of functions and reading the descriptions of a few which aren't immediately obvious can make a lot of things very clear with reference to what the engine can do and how to go about doing it.




Anywho, good-luck with whatever you were trying to do

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