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Problem with racial effects


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Hi there!

I'm not sure if this is the right secion...

Anyway, when I started the game I created a High Elf, passed through the dungeon and changed my character to Khajiit Spellsword with Apprentice birthsign. At first I didn't noticed anything strange about him until recently. When I look into my active effects page I can see that I still have a Resist Disease and Fortify Magicka racial bonuses from High Elf (I don't have the negative effect strangely enough). Is there any way to erase them without losing any skills or attributes? (If I use ShowRaceMenu to change my race to Khajiit, I get rid of those bonuses from high elf, but my skills are all screwed up).

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Open the console (~ key) and type the following:


player.removespell 47AD7

player.removespell 47ADC


47AD7 is Resist Disease, and 47ADC is Fortify Magicka


Should you need it, the weakness to fire/frost/shock is 14D52 .



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