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A mod to skip ahead... or something


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I would like to request a mod to speed up leveling/exploration.


If possible a MCM menu with sliders and tick squares to configure the following unlocks:

-Skill Levels


-Maps Locations

-Alchemy Ingredients effects




Skill Levels
All Skills [Slider 1-100]
-Skill 1 [Slider 1-100]
-Skill 2 [Slider 1-100]
-... [Slider 1-100]

All Spells [ ]
-Spell 1 [ ]
-... []

Map Locations
(listed like http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Locations_(Skyrim))
All Locations [ ]
-Cities [ ]
--Whiterun [ ]
--Dawnstar [ ]
--... [ ]

-Town  [ ]
--... [ ]

-Homesteads [ ]
--... [ ]

Alchemy Ingredients Effects
All Ingredient Effects [ ]
-Ingredient 1 [ ]
--Effect 1 [ ]
--Effect 2 [ ]
--Effect 3 [ ]
--Effect 4 [ ]

-Ingredient 2 [ ]
--... [ ]

All Enchantments [ ]
-Fortify Barther [ ]
-Fortify Alchemy [ ]
-... [ ]

Or somewhere in Skyrim (e.g. Riverwood) is a statue to configure your character with following settings:

-All Skill Levels 100

-All Spells unlocked

-All Maps Locations unlocked

-All Alchemy Ingredients effects known

-All Enchantments known


Yeah you can call it either a "cheat mod" or "new game+ mod" to start out new, but have everything maxed out (except base level and attributes).

Edited by Yokurya
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