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Take Notes - Journal/Terminal of the Lone Wanderer


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I think phillipreilly707 is talking about IsKeyPressed with a terminal. That would be quite an annoyance to script, indeed,

Capturing keystrokes has never been an issue, easy peasy. Although congrats to you if you were able to translate "script that records whats been previously used A.K.A M.Y.N.A.M.E.I.S.D.A.V.E " into isKeyPressed since I don't think he alluded to it any way other than the word script.


and I don't even know if it would actually work. I'm not even sure if terminal notes can be edited on the fly.

No they can't be, we can't feed back dynamic changes to game assets like a note, terminal entry etc which is why the journal mod has been such a mythical beast for so long.

But there is a good description of the problem in this thread if you want to check it out;


Journal/diary/note mod

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Although congrats to you if you were able to translate "script that records whats been previously used A.K.A M.Y.N.A.M.E.I.S.D.A.V.E " into isKeyPressed since I don't think he alluded to it any way other than the word script.


Well, I am absolutely exhausted right now (I've had a ridiculously long day and am ready to go pass out) so maybe my brain's tuned into the right frequency :laugh: I'll check that link out tomorrow to check what's what. I would never be able to make anything as elaborate as this thread's subject but you can always pick up little nuggets of knowledge here and there. :thumbsup:

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