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Compatibility Patch Request Page


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Compatibility Patch Request Page

This is a place for users to request compatibility-patches for mods and a place for modders in need of a distraction from their current projects or in search for easy-ish work.

This page originates from the patch-request-page mhahn123 created some time ago and closed again due to time limitations. This page is it's successor and is tied to the One Stop Patch Shop (OSPS).

This means each patch created because of a request started here will either be hosted on the OSPS-page directly or be linked there to make it easier for you to find most patches available to the community.

Just to make that clear, we want to address all sorts of conflicts, not only landscaping issues, but every problem you may encounter when using two different mods alongside each other.

Though I have to stress the following - a patch to make two mods doing exactly the same work together is not going to happen.

Seriously, why would you use two mods for altering the same content?

Active CPRP/OSPS Modders:

KadVenku [Limited availability]




mhahn123 [Limited Availability]

This start post will be updated regularly with lists that sum up the requested files, the WIP files and the created patches including the link(s) to those files.

But there are some conditions, both people who are requesting patches and patch authors have to match.

For the requests:

  1. When you post a compatibility-patch request please make sure you have searched for it on the Nexus, looked up the requested files section, the One Stop Patch Shop and the Unique Landscapes descriptions, maybe your file is already listed there.
  2. Make sure you are using the latest versions of the conflicting mods.
  3. Have you tried swapping the load order of the conflicting mods? Loading mod b before mod a instead of loading a before b often can resolve your problems without a patch.
  4. Also use the provided form or at least include all the information the form asks for in a sensible manner to request patch-files
    It makes life for those who want to create the patches way easier, as they do not have top spend an unnecessary amount of time figuring out which problems using mod a and mod b together actually caused when you, who are requesting said patch, already stumbled over in your game. Which of course will speed up the creating process a lot.
  5. Patch suggestions not following the posted guideline will NOT be worked on. Apart from this there can be reasons your requested patch is not going to happen, namely the author not giving permission or a conflict is way too heavy for a simple patch and rather would need a rework of one of the two mods. Though as this won't happen to often we'll let you know.

Empty blueprint for you to copy and fill:

(1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]:

(2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]:

(3) Describe the general issues you experienced here:

Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them.

(3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post]

If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them:

(3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them:

(3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them:

(4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories:

A quick example of how a filled out form could look like:

(1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]:

CoolModA, mod_a.esp, V1.3b

AnotherFancyModNamedB, strange_name_of_mod_b_esp_file.esp, V1.0

(2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]:



(3) Describe the general issues you experienced here:

Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them.

(3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post] If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them:

I experience landscape tears in the area near Whatever Cave where the two mods meet and there are two houses stuck into each other north of that tear.

Link to screenshot.

Or: There is a NPC running in circles instead of leading me to a certain place near Fort Some-cool-name

(3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them:

I should go and meet the NPC Random Guy in A-certain-place I got there and nobody waits for me instead there is a huge castle blocking my way.

The quest is called "Random in danger" and the journal tells me: "I should hurry and find Random. A-certain-place was where we wanted to meet. From there on I should continue my search north"

(3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up: name the items in question:

For rescuing Random I received a full armour set (helmet, chest, gauntlets, boots and shield) called "Random's Really Powerful Armor" but it's stats are even weaker than leather gear and as heavy as Daedric armour

(4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories:

For those who want to patch the files:

  Reveal hidden contents


Requested files:

  1. Trails of Cyrodiil Merged + Roads of Cyrodiil
  2. OCO2 + Slof's Oblivion Better Beasts
  3. OCO2 + Bearded NPCs (+ Slof's Oblivion Better Beasts)
  4. OCO2 + Integration - The Stranded Light Integrated
  5. Cyrodiil Rebuild II + Roads of Cyrodiil
  6. Enhanced Economy + Several Mods
      Reveal hidden contents

  7. OCO V2 + Knights of the Nine Relevation
  8. Zutheskunk Shivering Isle Overhaul + OMOBS
  9. Open Cities Reborn + Treasure Maps UL Edition
  10. Open Cities Classic + Trade and Commerce

Requested fixes:

  1. Lextons Scale Armour: Dragon Scale Cuirass Neck Fix

Armour conversions:

  1. Slof's Robe Trader + Mage Equipment 2.1
  2. Jojjos Dread Knight and Morrigan Armor - BAB version
  3. Knights of the Nine Relevation + HGEC Body (EBE Lightguts)
  4. Mighty Umra + Several Bodies
      Reveal hidden contents

  5. Knights of the Nine Relevation + TGND body
  6. Better Cities - TGND Body
  7. Unofficial Francesco's Armor Add On + Robert's Muscular + TGND Body

FCOM requests:

  1. FCOM + TIE Patch Update

WIP Files [claimed by author]:

  1. Talos Bridge Gatehouse + Imperial City Suburbs [KadVenku]
  2. Dragon Captions Pride of Wolf's Gate + Kvatch Rebuilt [KadVenku]
  3. Lilyvale Town + Various Other Mods [mhahn123]
  4. Hammerfell: The Eastern Grasslands + Sutch Village + UL - The Lost Coast [mhahn123]

Finished files:

  1. Knights of the Nine + Frans 5.2b by Slangens
  2. Eyrens Vampire Hunter Armor - BAB version by Nakakita
  3. Better Cities Imperial Isle Compatibility Patches by KadVenku
  4. Cardac Patch Collection by mhahn123
  5. Oblivion Jobs + Unique Landscapes Arrius Creek by mhahn123
  6. Snowy Road to Bruma Patch Collection by mhahn123
  7. Mage Equipment Body Conversions by Nakakita
  8. Capes for NPC's by dreamed1
  9. Shetcomb Farm + Integration - The Stranded Light by mhahn123
  10. Vaults of Cyrodiil + Open Cities Reborn by mhahn123
  11. ImpeREALCity Unique Districts + Origins of the Mages Guild by dreamed1
  12. Midas Magic + Tales from the Tomb by KadVenku
  13. Academy Oblivion Magic + Reclaiming Sancre Tor by mhahn123
Edited by KadVenku
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Request Compatibility patch with OCO+OCO2 & Slofs Oblivion better beasts


From and older post of mine:


Question: This mod seems to conflict with Slofs Oblivion better beasts in regards to the the teeth they use.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Also, how would one get Fearabbits bearded NPCs to use your head meshes? They use the age maps and normal maps but not the textures you've given, and I'd really like them to.



Fixed it, got to the CS kit, Open up Slofs Oblivion Better beasts, go to the upper bars where 'character' is, click on 'race' and on the window go to Khajiit, and then the 'face data' tab, and see the 'Teeth upper' option? Click on the first box to it, go to your meshes/characters/khajiit/ folder and pick any .nif files you might have that are khajiit teeth upper, and that should solve the problem, and save the .esp.

I think.

So yeah, just change the teeth mesh directory Slofs Oblvion better beasts to a .nif that isn't Slofs that you may have, and I think this solves the issue, at least until someone repositions Slof's Khajiit teeth .nif so it fits to the OCO2 head mesh as a patch.

Edit: Actually wait, seems that only fixes it in the CS, possibly something else has come into play thanks to bashed patch, possibly a Tag.


Try deleting the better beasts teeth .nif though after you've made this change.

Gonna see what I can do for Fearabbits stuff though.

Ah, fixed it, I forgot to make sure to also select the other file for the teeth one to the right of the box

However, it seems the Khajiit teeth only show the upper teeth, and the whiskers if done this way.

Unless someone releases a repositioning of Slof's teeth to fit Nuska's Khajiit heads for Oblivion Better beasts, this is the best way you can get both mods to work I'm afraid.

So just to recap:

Open up the CS, Preferably through wrye to use it in OBSE mode

Go to character and races then to Khajiit

Go to face data and change the filepath for Khajiit upper teeth from the .nif slofs olbvion better beasts uses to another one probably added by roberts male or female body mods resting in you characters/khajiit file

Save, then re do your load order, with loot, bash your patch and play.

No more floating teeth issues.


So yeah, that needs solving.



Also, there needs to be a compatibility patch for fearabbits Bearded NPCs and OCO so the mod uses his head meshes instead of the default vanilla ones which causes odd results, namely a vanilla meshed head using the normalmaps and facial data of OCO2, but bot sharing the textures of OCO2 and clipping issues with beard placement, namely the breton if I recall.



GOSH - or Gecko's Oblivion Sound overhaul needs a compatibility patch with pretty much everything under the Sounds of cyrodill suggestions to use with section, or at least needs a litte version that isn't entirely .ESP reliant, I've used the mod, and it's sounds are great, but it conflicts with just about everything else.



Additionally, I'd like to adress a very prevelant issue that everyone has come to experience with enough mods for TESIV oblivion, and that is every mod from here to the that last page on this site having the obsessive compulsion to add godforsaken Tavern banter and music to Tavern spaces in the game.


There needs to be a tavern patch or something to ensure only certain tavern SFX from certain mods will play in unison at a time or a way to ensure only one plays at a time, because it is unbearable to enter taverns when you have sounds of cyrodill, Oblivion stero overhaul, atmospheric Oblivion, and the better music system on, and other mods which have Tavern music of their own in some cases, or overhauls, like FCOM and CUO. I think CUO has it's own too


So effectively, when i enter a tavern I get blasted with the collective noise of Neverwinter nights SFX, and other SFX i don't recognise.



According to

mikeboydus 9 kudos 279 posts

I found a conflict with unique landscapes with a mine from this mod just north of Cheydinhal
So that needs looking into, as I really did like the look of this mod.
Additionally, I've noticed the following A.I and NPC dialouge mods when working in unison have Odd effects on one another, and these need looking into
These include
NPC's Yield (the revised version)
Highywayman - Rob anybody
Give a Gift
Oblivifall - Let us talk
Lore Dialogue 300 Updated
Give a Gift
Persuasion overhall
The behavioural abnormalities seem to stem from the surrender mechanics possibly conflicting with persuasion overhaul, NPC's Yield and Highwayman, rob anybody, but I'm not leaving the other's out of question, regardless, it needs looking into but do the one's I've mentioned first.
Another thing that needs to be looked into is Werewolf Compatibility patches, I made thread for this earlier but it never picked up, and I'd like to see it addressed.



The mod Weapon Improvement project, though great, and a solution to the age old Silver sword texture issues, causes any mods that rely on vanilla textures to do the same kind of thing that happens when you retexture the game and don't use Archive invalidation, (other textures showign up on the model etc....) and as such, this needs to be fixes for work with overhaul mods or mods that add weapon galleries, like Armentarium, and Immersive weapons and other such mods.


Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells

Needs patches for popular mods, because it working the way it does for vanilla alone is a waste of potential outright.



Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions - & Kaizits new animations for NPC and player need a compatiblity patch to stop animations that don't flow well into one another from overwrriting each other when they are used from both mods. (just install both and you'll find out what I mean.)


The animation mods


Piercing Sneak Attack

Skydive Jump

Staff animation

Defying gravity


Need a BBB Patch, (Up to you how expressive it is, but I'd asumed the sneak attacks would be medium or high key BB, the sky dive jump low key, and defyign gravity medium or high key, depending on the sudden motions made by spell casting or something)


And this mod


Just needs plain cleaning up, It looks great, but mother of god is it dirty, and I really wanted to have cattle like ghould in Vampire the Masquerade.


Hemmingways NPC Capes, Jaysus Capes and All Capes Cloaks Clothes Gloves and Robes

Need to be made compatible amonst one another in that they can be purchased and each NPC has a chance of having one via the games levelled lists, with some capes being toggleable for unique NPCs for the sake of compatibility.


The Tail slot equipment help and Corerandomclothing4NPCs would greatly compliment this, and make the game world even more immersive in theory, a grand cape mod.


Another thing that needs addressing is the clothing featured in WAC, Slofs Oblivion Robe trader, Mage Equipment 21, Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body by Ratchild Needs to be made compatible again.


Rather than leave that statement vague, I'll explain it.

  • WAC replaces the vanilla clothing, There needs to be a patch where instead, the replacers are made separate from the Vanilla Clothing.
  • Slof's Oblvion Robe trader had an Exnem's patch, but the orignal mod now exceeds the version this patch was made for, and this needs fixing.
  • Mages equipment replaces vanilla clothing with it's own, and gives new clothing to unique NPCs, and the mage clothing in question that replaced the old stuff had their own preset enchantments, similar to that of skyrim mage clothing having their own.
  • A while back (it's possibly been removed) there was a mod that also made Slofs robe trader compatible with mage Equipment, making it so that Robe trader varaints and mage Equipment clothes showed up against one another, featuring unenchanted mage equipment clothes, in addition to the already enchanted ones from vanilla and Slofs robe trader clothing in addition to version of Slofs clothing varaints also featuring the enchantments of mage equipment clothing, with differences being stats and armour type

So yeah, making WAC replacers non replacer for better compatiblity, updating Slofs rober trader for Exnem's, and getting Mage equipment to work with Slofs Rober trader again without all the bugs.


Well, that's all the things I can think of, take a pick I guess, any help is appreciated no matter what, it's your contributions that matter to making TESIV more stable to play and all.

Edited by Death lok
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@Death lok:

To make that clear, I've read through your post and vaguely got most of the requests, still, I won't add any of the (valid) requests to the page unless you use the form I provided. It's not only me being an a**hole on that particular point, but the fact that when I have to give out the information to the person who wants to actually work on the patch I can provide him/her with a proper description of what went wrong.


And in addition you missed a very important point I now highlightet in red:


"Though I have to stress the following - a patch to make two mods doing exactly the same work together is not going to happen.

Seriously, why would you use two mods for altering the same content?"



To give other people an example (and you a chance to make it better :wink: ) I'll go through the conflicts you mentioned and comment each of them for the first and last time, from now on I'm going to ignore request posts not following the provided form or not giving the demanded information in a sensible manner.



1. Request Compatibility patch with OCO+OCO2 & Slofs Oblivion better beasts

Good idea per se, but why OCO? It's outdated and everything in there is still in Version 2.

So a patch OCO2+Slof might be the thing to request

Thanks for the hints how to probably fix this by the way, that's great stuff to know.

The beards I'll count in there as well for now.

Together with the names of the esp-files, the versions, and the load order, well, pretty much everything in the blueprint from the points 1 and 2, this is a request that's actually pretty useful.


2. GOSH - or Gecko's Oblivion Sound overhaul needs a compatibility patch with pretty much everything under the Sounds of cyrodill suggestions to use with section, or at least needs a litte version that isn't entirely .ESP reliant, I've used the mod, and it's sounds are great, but it conflicts with just about everything else.


No way that's gonna happen, GOSH is a overhaul for all SFX to be used standalone, we would have to rewrite whole mods to make this work. That's something for the original authors or a own mod (FCOM for SFX?)


The tavern stuff could be something worth looking into but more info would be appreciated.


For the werewolves:

Why would you use four mods doing effectively the same together?



Everything that got to do with animation-changing:

Some of the mods could be made compatible but we probably would need the original creators to figure that out. And in addition to that we do not have a animation artist around to fix those problems in a different way than rewriting the scripts.


The clothing and modelling stuff:

What got to do with scripting (aka levelled lists) could work, though we dont have a model artist atm, so probably no to everything related to that is possible any time soon. WAC is a special case. WAC is an overhaul the same as OOO or Francesco's and Waalx is pretty strict on what people are allowed to do with his stuff and what not. That's probably the hardest point to get, do you want the models compatible with a certain body, do you want the mods compatible with each other, do you...




Nevertheless to all of you:


Use the form, it makes life easier for all of us.

Provide as much information on one request as possible, two millions of requests without proper description are not of any use.

So read the request rules and apply them to your post. Always.

Edited by KadVenku
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  On 11/9/2014 at 2:04 PM, KadVenku said:

@Death lok:

To make that clear, I've read through your post and vaguely got most of the requests, still, I won't add any of the (valid) requests to the page unless you use the form I provided. It's not only me being an a**hole on that particular point, but the fact that when I have to give out the information to the person who wants to actually work on the patch I can provide him/her with a proper description of what went wrong.


And in addition you missed a very important point I now highlightet in red:


"Though I have to stress the following - a patch to make two mods doing exactly the same work together is not going to happen.

Seriously, why would you use two mods for altering the same content?"



To give other people an example (and you a chance to make it better :wink: ) I'll go through the conflicts you mentioned and comment each of them for the first and last time, from now on I'm going to ignore request posts not following the provided form.



1. Request Compatibility patch with OCO+OCO2 & Slofs Oblivion better beasts

Good idea per se, but why OCO? It's outdated and everything in there is still in Version 2.

So a patch OCO2+Slof might be the thing to request

Thanks for the hints how to probably fix this by the way, that's great stuff to know.

The beards I'll count in there as well for now.

Together with the names of the esp-files, the versions, and the load order, well, pretty much everything in the blueprint from the points 1 and 2, this is a request that's actually pretty useful.


2. GOSH - or Gecko's Oblivion Sound overhaul needs a compatibility patch with pretty much everything under the Sounds of cyrodill suggestions to use with section, or at least needs a litte version that isn't entirely .ESP reliant, I've used the mod, and it's sounds are great, but it conflicts with just about everything else.


No way that's gonna happen, GOSH is a overhaul for all SFX to be used standalone, we would have to rewrite whole mods to make this work. That's something for the original authors or a own mod (FCOM for SFX?)


The tavern stuff could be something worth looking into but more info would be appreciated.


For the werewolves:

Why would you use four mods doing effectively the same together?



Everything that got to do with animation-changing:

Some of the mods could be made compatible but we probably would need the original creators to figure that out. And in addition to that we do not have a animation artist around to fix those problems in a different way than rewriting the scripts.


The clothing and modelling stuff:

What got to do with scripting (aka levelled lists) could work, though we dont have a model artist atm, so probably no to everything related to that is possible any time soon. WAC is a special case. WAC is an overhaul the same as OOO or Francesco's and Waalx is pretty strict on what people are allowed to do with his stuff and what not. That's probably the hardest point to get, do you want the models compatible with a certain body, do you want the mods compatible with each other, do you...




Nevertheless to all of you:


Use the form, it makes life easier for all of us.

Provide as much information on one request as possible, two millions of requests without proper description are not of any use.

So read the request rules and apply them to your post. Always.



Ah, apologies, but to correct you on the Werewolves thing, that's wrong, because those mods do completely different things.

  • M.O.E Lycanthrophy and LichCraft

Adds the ability to become one of 3 types of Lich, and Adds roaming werewolves to the game, and as you might have guessed, the Liches are essentially the attraction point here.


The werewovles in question wear the armours of such creatures, but have their own Lycan Disease (because this predates Curse of Hircine you see) which turns you into the same type of werewol on par with early releases of the curse of Hircine mod (Equipped Werewolf armour, abilities, and basic bloodlust system, nothing like howlign at the moon or eating corpses) so effectively, A compatibility patch would be made to switch out this mods Lycan system with COH's, (The wanderer's infect you with COH's lycanism and not M.O.E's) additionaly so because the Wanderer's it adds are more frequent across cyrodill than the ones in COH.


Also, on the subject, there were many reports of the Lichdom not working, though I havn't become one myself, that needs to be looked into (once again, sorry for vagueness) I think there were crahses on transformation.

  • Martigen's Monster Mod

Does not feature Lycantrophy as a disease or system but adds them as creatures, and they do not infect, i forgot if they were NPC based, I think they are.


I think this IS solved though in a patch offered by COH or MMM itself

  • Lost Paladins of the Divines

Werewolf Creatures bound to Xivalli animations, Does not infect, apply COH's lycanism to solve

  • Werewolf - Legends of the North

Same as the above.


So effectively there's a divide here, but to explain it, using all the above at once equates to


  • A playthrough where the legitiamately functional Lycanism is harder to contract than the weaker one, in which factions are not shared so cases of them meeting result in incomprehensible fights, two of which are basically made the same way, (MMM and M.O.E' lycans being NPC wearing non lootable armour with special stats) one of these two doesn't infect and the other does with a non functional version of the system
  • Two instances of lycans that do no infect with anything whatsover

The first two are gameplay mods and the last two are effectively quest mods.


But to cut things short, they need to be made all subject to the COH lycanism disease capable of infecting with it, and need to all hold the same factions and associations so they don't off one another, and M.O.E's Lichdom needs to be tested for bugs and crashfixes, and they all need to be enemies with vampires.


Time to use the template, hope I'lm doing it right.



(1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]:


Slof's Robe trader ver ??? (latest version)


Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body ver 1.1


(2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]:


Not currently using because of the issue at hand


(3) Describe the general issues you experienced here:

Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them.


Slof's Robe trader replaces textures for Default Oblivion robes for the Rober Male body, and Robert Female, Slof does not support Exnem, HGEC or HGEC with BBB


Slofs Oblivion Robe Trader For Exnems Body fixes some of this, and for an EARLIER version of the robe trader mod, by having the meshes for Exnems applied via a modified Slofs robe trader .esp file with the according resources included.


Because Slofs Robe trader is at a later version, featuring Newer content, the Slofs robe trader for Exnems mod takes away whatever was added the the current release because it was made on an older version and not updated.


So to solve this, you get the Latest Slofs Robe trader, the resources from the Exnems mod, and then add the file paths via the CS to the Exnem meshes of Slofs Robes so the mod uses exnem meshes instead of roberts female meshes for the robes SRT replaces thus, making the resources of Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body compatible with the latest version of Slofs Robe trader


  • Later work would include (Hopefully wishing on a star) actually making a proper HGEC compatibility patch with Slofs Oblivion Robe trader instead of the few added by Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body.


(3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post]

If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them:


(3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them:


(3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them:


(4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories:




(1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]:


Mage equipment 2_1


Latest version of Slofs Oblivion robe trader (preferably the one that's been made compatible with HGEC as a result of the above mod being completed)


(2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]:


Not using currently due to issue at hand


(3) Describe the general issues you experienced here:

Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them.


Mage equipment 2_1 Replaces mage armours, clothing, robes of Oblivion with it's own variants in addition to a few weapons.

These variants have their own pre-set enchantments on them similar to how Skyrim handled robes and clothing.


Slofs Oblivion Robe trader also does this to mage related robes, (doesn't have pre-enchanted items though)

When both are used togther, one overwrittes the other and destroys the unique diversity each mod had to offer, such as the regular necromancer robes in Mage_equipment being the Adept necromancer robes in Slofs Oblivion robe trader (they use the same model) so you'd have a game where for some reason regular necromancers worse robes with skull shoulders that had enchantments on them, yet the adept ones had said robes but unenchanted for some reason.


Now, there was a mod that solved clashes like this by making sure both armours and robes from both mods featured in the game and were to be present on the NPC's that wuld equip them, but this was made for mages equipment 2_1 and an OLDER version of Slof Oblivion Robe trader.


It's no longer on the nexus, as my searches have not yielded the results but what the fix did was esnure examples like the above didn't happen as to not mess up any power hierachy or such, so you could have both Slofs Oblvion robe trader content and Mage Equipment 2_1 content without conflict, as new additions to the game equally distributed across the world


The only additional thing I would bring up about this compatiblity patch, is that it adds in Robes for mannimarco, and robes for Imperial battlemages, and other NPCS which, wouldn't work with Mods like Mannimarco Revisited on, or mods that changes what said NPCs wear, hence why featuring both equally distributed across the game, with only one acting as a replacer if need be and the other a variant and addition would solve compatibility issues.


That's what I recall thatr the mod did if I remember correctly.


(3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post]

If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them:


(3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them:


(3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them:


(4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories:





(1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]:


All Capes Cloaks Clothes Gloves and Robes




CoreRandmonClothing4Npcs by CorepcMMP


Tail-Slot Equipment Helper by ebizoe


(2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]:


(3) Describe the general issues you experienced here:

Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them.


CoreRandmonClothing4Npcs by CorepcMMP

This adds the LLONpcClothing(Lower,Middle,Upper) leveledlist to over 790 Vanilla Npc in game.


Tail-Slot Equipment Helper by ebizoe

Makes Npcs equip tail slot items


Adding the content added by ACCCGR, to the LLONpcClothing levelled list with the following mods on would make it so that NPCS change their clothes to more vibrant options offered by mods, with capes included.


Also, other large clothings mods adding to this levelled list could have compatibility patches made to feature this also, I think.



(3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post]

If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them:


(3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them:


(3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them:


(4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories:


Hope this helps

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It really does help indeed, thank you for reposting it. Recieving information in this manner makes it way easier for me to sort things out. I gonna have a close look at all mentioned files and add them to the request list when I've access to my desktop PC.

Edited by KadVenku
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(1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]:
Weapon Improvement Project.esp

Much Ado any mod that relies to the weapon meshes and Textures this mod replaces.

But to get to the point, it was Artifacts, Armentarium, and Immersive weapons in question (but the fix in question would serve all needs)

(2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]:

N/A, already checked to see if it was an archive invalidation error, it wasn't

(3) Describe the general issues you experienced here:
Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them.

Weapon improvement Project relaces Meshes and texture fo vanilla weapons which is great, but some mods rely on those meshes and textures, and subsequently using those mods gets you a nice Textureless .nif file with some other texture wrapped around it to compensate during gameplay.

There needs to be a way for these mods to get to the files they need whilst Weapon Improvement project is active, I think, without it resulting in 16+ Extra .esp files or the like.

(3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post]
If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them:
(3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them:

(3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them:

(4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories:

(Did We already do this one?)

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One question I have to ask:
I've been using WIP and Artifacts, Armamentarium,Immersive weapons. And I don't see how the replacement of a mesh supplied with a fitting texture would lead to missing textures.
It would- AT MAX - lead to bad UV mapping.


But yes, the problem would persist even if WIP is installed last. The meshes use the vanilla texture which is replaced by WIP with one that has a different UV setup. SO a very small patch is needed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A small update:


Slangens recently released the first patch from the list namely the Knights of the Nine + Frans 5.2 Patch


And something else:

Conversions of any of AlienSlof's work to another bodytype won't be taken over or added to the list. Some time ago she stated that conversions won't be allowed, and respecting that wish, I not only took the requests off, but will not add any new, so don't bother posting those requests.

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