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Placing Items in game


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I've been wanting the armor/weapons from some of my mods modified, but not all of the items in said mods. I was just going to pull all of the items and put them in a chest somewhere, no problemo. I goggled a guide, but the best I came up with was adding items to a vendor list. SO I did this- sorta.

I created a special container, from the container in a fighting chance. I moved the weapons into this new chest (weapons only, as I'm sure the armor's wouldn't be able to be sold, not sure if that would impact the inventory of the chest or not).

However, the items aren't appearing in the vendor's list. Fine, well enough, I'll jsut use TCL to go to the chest myself. (The vendor may not have items due to not having the key to the chest, and the chest requiring a key).


However, my main rpoblem is this: not all of the items are in the chest. in fact, just some are. I don't know why, and I could use some help. I thought maybe there was a limit on items placeable in a chest or somehting, but I've never seen or heard of that.

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I'm not quite sure what your intentions are. Are they to modify the items, or merely place them in-game?
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I'm not quite sure what your intentions are. Are they to modify the items, or merely place them in-game?

I've modified some items, that I'd like to place in game. Basically, my intententions are to place the items in the world, and the only guide I could find to doing so was concerning the placement of items into a vendor's sell list.


I'd really just like to place the items in game, which I more or less have, except that some of the items have not appeared in the chest I created. I don't know why.

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So you created a unique chest, placed the items in the inventory of the container, saved as a new esp and in-game they are not there. Is that correct? If so, were the items from different mods?
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if you don't care about giving the items to the vendor. the easiest and fastest way I can think of is to load up the mod that contains the weapon/armor/etc. on CS. then under the render window choose a world space, like IC Market Dist. then choose a cell, and on the right side there will be list of things that contain in that cell. look for things like crate, barrel, sack. right click on it, click view, then it'll show you where it is on render window so you know where to grab it. right click again and click edit. small window pops up click edit base and drag the stuff you want in to the window. click ok, ok, and save. enter game and grab loot. make sure to delete items after you grab them or they'll keep respawning them in other random sacks, crate, barrels also.



EDIT : Maybe all the items are not all showing up in that 1 chest is because they're from different mods? I remember having a similar problem and I think I just used a different chest for each mod.

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if you don't care about giving the items to the vendor. the easiest and fastest way I can think of is to load up the mod that contains the weapon/armor/etc. on CS. then under the render window choose a world space, like IC Market Dist. then choose a cell, and on the right side there will be list of things that contain in that cell. look for things like crate, barrel, sack. right click on it, click view, then it'll show you where it is on render window so you know where to grab it. right click again and click edit. small window pops up click edit base and drag the stuff you want in to the window. click ok, ok, and save. enter game and grab loot. make sure to delete items after you grab them or they'll keep respawning them in other random sacks, crate, barrels also.



EDIT : Maybe all the items are not all showing up in that 1 chest is because they're from different mods? I remember having a similar problem and I think I just used a different chest for each mod.


Yeah, they are all from different mods. I didn't know multiple mods couldn't use the same chest o.O I'd thought maybe since it was a respawning chest, that maybe te items cycled out or something. Well, I'll dive back in and start making more chests :P

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