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Activating the Stones, Earth Stone


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Alright, I have reached the Cavern of the Earth Song (or whatever it's named) and I descended into the 'song chamber' where there's three sets of staltites-stalagmites making the music.


Now, I've tried striking the rocks with my ax, but it doesn't seem to be working. The story regarding the Earth song and the Earth Stone says the guy struck using not an ax, but a mace. Doesn't that have any effect, or will any weapon work so long as I time it just right...and how will I know I did it correctly? :(

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erm... well hitting it with a weapon wont work, u have to press spacebar to activate them... there was another thread just started that gives u exact directions as to which ones to activate when, tho its not that hard.
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  • 2 months later...



When you go into the cave you have to match the music you hear by activating the musical stalagtites:


The Pattern for the stones are : (M,R,L,R) & (L,R,M,L)






Already in another thread but i psoted to answer your question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet another thread that has become confused, not helped Just West by your request which I cannot understand.


As mentioned above activate the stones twice to match the tunes heard and return to the Earth Stone when you get the journal entry to do so.

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