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Kratos' Ares Armor From God Of War request, One-Handed and Two-Han


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i was thinking that Kratos' Ares Armor from God of War would be a awesome addition to the game, if anyone wants to make this please let me know. i do think the feet should be changed as they are just sandels. more like a set of boots with the same maroon as on the feet just make them closed toe so it looks more like something that fits in Oblivion. along with the sword as a onehanded weapon. and a twohanded version as well for those that are so inclined. and on the breast plate perhaps the wings of a dragon wraping around the ribs with the body of the dragon in the back. i would want it as detailed as possible even down to the chain mesh around the neck and the cloth that falls over one side of the skirt. i think this would make a great mod. i really hope someone decides to do this:)

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Having a request actually made depends on 3 factors


1. How well documented and enticing is the request

2. Are there any capable modders with the time available to take on the request (if interested)

3. Random luck (because #2 is hit or miss regarding the timing and placement of the request post)


The best thing you can do is make it as easy as possible for a modder to "get" what you are wanting and show that you are willing to invest your time to make it happen. Otherwise, somebody that "might" have enough time might not care much if the requester won't take 2 minutes out of their day to make a proper request...especially when an armor mod can take weeks of hard work to make it work and look good.


I'd recommend making the best request you can possibly make (examine other requests that ended up being completed...but also know that some things were going to happen regardless of the request. Be sure to look at requests that was never completed as well and see if you can tell what the difference is)


Once initial work is done to make the request as good as you can make it, start doing some research to learn how to make the mod yourself. While on this journey, you will either learn how to make your own requests turn into reality (this is how 99% of modders get their start) or you will learn what it takes to create your mod...and thus appreciate it that much more if somebody comes by to make it for you. And in the process, you might run across some possible shortcuts that may work out for you...such as being able to use an existing model for one piece of the outfit...thus reducing the overall work and update your original request with the new-found information...thus showing your vested interest in seeing this done. Again, this might entice a prospective modder to help or at least learn how to create mods using your mod request as their 1st attempt.


I already sent this to you in a PM, but here is the article again for reference: How To Make Mods



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http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29882 - If you looking for the sword (Blade Of Olympus)

Unfortuantely I haven't modded a thing since February

yeah i saw where you said you weren't ganna be modding anymore :sad:


but the sword is great so all you would need is the armor cookie L33's sword is perfect^^

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