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Question about 3 mods and their ability to work with OBMM, then Wyre B

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Ok, I have just downloaded Akatosh Mount R19 -- as I stated, there is a folder inside the archive with the name of the mod. Inside that is an already created OMOD, and another 7z archive. Bad file management right from the off.


Cloase OBMM, extract the OMOD and place it in your Oblivion\obmm\mods folder.


There are several versions, including a full OMOD of Midas Magic -- check which version you have, considering any overhauls like OOO, MMM etc.


Regarding Kvatch Rebuilt, please re-read the installation instructions -- there is no need to make an OMOD, as it's resources are in a .bsa file.

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Akatosh mod works fine, I was told the OMOD was in that file, so I did that. (Though it has crashed while flying over cities, Though ONLY over cities so far.) Midas Magic 0995 is what I have, with patch A. It also as far as I can tell, works fine. (I have not gotten too far in it and the only spell I've made is the glowing ball of light.)


I have been following Tomlong's guide, and I was under the impression that I needed to make an OMOD of every mod I make so that the load order for Wyre Bash doesn't get messed up.

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Akatosh mod works fine, I was told the OMOD was in that file, so I did that. (Though it has crashed while flying over cities, Though ONLY over cities so far.) Midas Magic 0995 is what I have, with patch A. It also as far as I can tell, works fine. (I have not gotten too far in it and the only spell I've made is the glowing ball of light.)


I have been following Tomlong's guide, and I was under the impression that I needed to make an OMOD of every mod I make so that the load order for Wyre Bash doesn't get messed up.


Ok, I have tried my best. If you want to blunder on you are perfectly entitled to.

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I'm still a newbie at mods, so I don't fully understand everything involved with them. no need to get angry over it.


Whatever makes you think I'm angry? I'm not angry, but at the same time, I can't pretend to enjoy trying to help somebody who is less than forthcoming with details of the problem, (I said you were going to make me work hard, and I was right), and when offered solutions retorts with (in essence) "well, I'm going this way...".


You have to remember that because you know your setup, what mods you have, what utilities you have, what errors you get, etc. nobody sitting behind another monitor, maybe on another continent, has ANY idea about ANYTHING unless you supply every bit of relevant information that you can. Mind readers we are not.

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