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Open Cities conflicts with Knights?


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So I downloaded a ton of mods recently, mostly graphical tweaks and such. I have the Game of the Year edition for PC, but it turns out Knights of the Nine conflicts with a lot of the mods I got. :/


Open Cities in particular seems to be an issue. When I run both the mod and the expansion, the Prophet never appears. Also, the doors in Anvil remain. You can walk around them, since there's a huge gap on the sides, and so it's not gamebreaking for any quests or NPCs (they eventually drift over to the gap next to the door.) But whether you're inside or outside of Anvil, the doors read "Door To Anvil."


If you go THROUGH this door, you find yourself in what can basically be described as an alternate-dimension of the town. None of the doors open, and all are labeled simply as "Door." The only NPC in the entire town is the Prophet, who is missing from his spot in the "real" anvil and instead appears here.


Occasionally, the prophet WON'T be in Alternate Anvil and instead guards will. However I can't talk to them and it's impossible to go back to regular Anvil, breaking the game.


Load Order:



cidnothump.esp (part of the werewolves mod)

Visually Realistic Deadly Lava.esp

CurseOfHircine.esp (part of the werewolves mod)




Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp (arrive by boat)

The Lost Spires.esp

No psychic guards harder v 1.2.esp

Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp

Open Cities.esp

Get Wet.esp



GW71_Life_Detect.esp (Red life detect aura)

CT-YABM.esp (blood mod)




Akatosh Mount 1.9

Get Wet 1.1

Let the People Drink! 2.5

Low-Poly Grass 1.5

Open Cities 1.0

Real Lights 0.7.2


I have denied my better judgement and not yet changed the load order. I don't know if that will help or not.

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