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Unexpected ingame retexturing - Please help.


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Hey. I've been running OOO along with a few other mods for a while, and decided I'd try install Armamentarium Complete as well. Long story short, I ballsed it up.


The key problem is that I load up my save game, and the floor textures in Chorrol are... purple. Not bright purple, but its a square pattern, and looks like it's some kind of Daedric or Purple moss/cliff floor texture. All over where the cobbles of Chorrol should be.


Mods I have -

Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul


Crowded Cities

Living Economy (Part of OOO)

Enchanting and Spellcrafting Alters (Minor mod adds spellcrafting alters to some shops)

Exnem Runeskulls


What I did...

Download Amamentarium,

Transfer Arma files over to Data as instructed on the readme

Attempt to download the Official Oblivion Patch as Arma said it required it on the readme

Official patch failed to install (I think this may be the issue?) It said Old file not found, however a file of the same name was found. Update not done as file contents do not match.

Loaded up game to find awesome purple floor.


Being an idiot, I forgot to back up Oblivion files and folders. I've now removed Arma, taken all the files out and disabled it, but purple floor textures remain. So I'm a bit lost on what to do here.


Is there a way around this, or do I just have to clear my Data folder and start again? If I reinstalled the mods I have listed above as I had working nicely before, would my saved character keep the items/armor from OOO that he had, or would they need to be re-aquired?




EDIT - Just done some checks, I ran a different (Unused) save, with no files bar the Oblivion Master File, and that texture is still corrupted. It appears to be a specific texture, as the cobbles in Imperial City are doing it also, displaying the purple daedric-like texture I described.

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If Oblivion gave you the 'Old file not found' error, you are trying to install the wrong patch. You need to recheck which version you are using and download the correct patch/es.
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If Oblivion gave you the 'Old file not found' error, you are trying to install the wrong patch. You need to recheck which version you are using and download the correct patch/es.


Far as I know, the patch I attempted to install and download was the latest one, making me think that I have the latest oblivion version.


Any idea whether this would have caused, and how I can solve, this retexturing issue?


If I deleted all of the mod files in my data folder, and re-downloaded them, would I lose items from the mods on my characters? Say I had a sword only available through OOO mod, if I removed and re-added all of my mods before going back on Oblivion, would that sword be kept, or would it just revert back to the "Iron longsword" or whatever it was modeled from? I wouldn't want a collection of hard-to-obtain items to revert back to nothing, forcing me to re-aquire them. :)

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I don't follow your reasoning: because you think you downloaded the lastest patch you think you must have the latest Oblivion version? Do you have Shivering Isles installed? Shivering isles comes with the latest patch v1.2.0416. But there are also localized patches, and differing installations of Oblivion, like Direct2Drive, Steam etc.


As to your question, if you uninstalled all of your mods, re-downloaded them and reinstalled them all, without using your saved game, you should get away with retaining your items, so long as the mods you install are the same versions.

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I don't follow your reasoning: because you think you downloaded the lastest patch you think you must have the latest Oblivion version? Do you have Shivering Isles installed? Shivering isles comes with the latest patch v1.2.0416. But there are also localized patches, and differing installations of Oblivion, like Direct2Drive, Steam etc.



I don't have Shivering Isles. Evidently the patch system is far too complicated for me too understand. I would assume that latest patch = latest version (Obviously I wasn't downloading the ones labelled as Shivering Isles patches as I don't have that). Is this not the case?


As to your question, if you uninstalled all of your mods, re-downloaded them and reinstalled them all, without using your saved game, you should get away with retaining your items, so long as the mods you install are the same versions.


That's somewhat of a relief. Currently I am seeing this as my only option, perhaps coupled with a complete reinstall of oblivion if necessary. Hopefully I can get away with copying and restoring my saved game data without the texure issue returning. Does anyone have any better ideas?

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I don't follow your reasoning: because you think you downloaded the lastest patch you think you must have the latest Oblivion version? Do you have Shivering Isles installed? Shivering isles comes with the latest patch v1.2.0416. But there are also localized patches, and differing installations of Oblivion, like Direct2Drive, Steam etc.



I don't have Shivering Isles. Evidently the patch system is far too complicated for me too understand. I would assume that latest patch = latest version (Obviously I wasn't downloading the ones labelled as Shivering Isles patches as I don't have that). Is this not the case?


As to your question, if you uninstalled all of your mods, re-downloaded them and reinstalled them all, without using your saved game, you should get away with retaining your items, so long as the mods you install are the same versions.


That's somewhat of a relief. Currently I am seeing this as my only option, perhaps coupled with a complete reinstall of oblivion if necessary. Hopefully I can get away with copying and restoring my saved game data without the texure issue returning.


If you don't have Shivering Isles, you need to download and install v1.2.0416 -- scroll down to Oblivion Patches. The first patch is for US users, the second one is for UK/EU/AUS users.


I suggest you also consider the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and the supplemental UOP .

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