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Trouble Adding Factions to Player


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I'm trying to roleplay a city guard, but all the city guard factions (aside from Cheydinhal and Bruma) are marked HiddenFromPC. I tried using the Construction Set to create a mod to remove the HiddenFromPC flag from several factions, but it didn't work. Does anyone have any suggestions, or know what I'm doing wrong? (Note: I don't want the PC automatically added to any factions, as I play multiple characters, I just want the ability to add my characters to these factions in-game via the console.)

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, that's the command I've been using. It doesn't work for factions with the HiddenFromPC tag, though, which is why I was rummaging around in the Construction Set.


When you delved into the CS, did you create a new mod? And did you use Wrye Bash to update the Factions and Relations?

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When you delved into the CS, did you create a new mod? And did you use Wrye Bash to update the Factions and Relations?


Did all that, and still no luck. I also have the mod I created set last in my load order, just before the Bashed Patch.

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That's really odd. I seem to remember there's a mod that allows you to join the guard faction/s, but that's not what you want, is it? I am stumped, because I cannot see why unchecking the hide from PC option does not work -- you can even do it in-game, via script, with OBSE.
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That's really odd. I seem to remember there's a mod that allows you to join the guard faction/s, but that's not what you want, is it? I am stumped, because I cannot see why unchecking the hide from PC option does not work -- you can even do it in-game, via script, with OBSE.


Actually, joining the guard factions *is* part of what I want. In more general terms, I plan to remove the HiddenFromPC tag from all factions, so I can join any of them, based on what I'm roleplaying.

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That's really odd. I seem to remember there's a mod that allows you to join the guard faction/s, but that's not what you want, is it? I am stumped, because I cannot see why unchecking the hide from PC option does not work -- you can even do it in-game, via script, with OBSE.


Actually, joining the guard factions *is* part of what I want. In more general terms, I plan to remove the HiddenFromPC tag from all factions, so I can join any of them, based on what I'm roleplaying.


Sorry, I read "I don't want the PC automatically added to any factions" as "I don't want the PC added to any factions".


Maybe the abandoned Milkshake Guard Mod would be a place to start -- perhaps you could adapt it and re-release it?


Edit: Ack! Sorry, didn't notice there was no file. Pitty.


Edit: You can get the 0.15 Beta here .

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