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Race-specific underwear?


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Hey everyone!


Recently i've come across a mod allowing for a range of underwear to be chosen for the vanilla female body:




I had the great idea of: "What if I could set each of these to a different race?" So i attempted it with my Altmer main, adding the texture into Oblivion/Data/Textures/characters/highelf/female


...however, i didn't get the results....


i know adding textures to the imperial folder causes a universal effect, or all of the characters to take the effect but how could i diversify my characters by setting each of these underwear textures to a different race?


Any help for this beginner would certainly be appreciated. =)

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Can be done using Blockhead, providing the "underwear" is actually body nifs and associated textures. Details on how to do it are included in Blockhead_readme.rtf (included with the extracted download).

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I took a look myself, i don't believe underwear.dds files are covered by the blockhead overrides.


"As with Tier 2, auxiliary files need to be renamed appropriately."
Valid BodyPart Names:
· UpperBody
· LowerBody
· Hand
· Foot
· Tail
Would that exclude underwear as a valid override? If so, are there any other options? There could be something I'm missing here, all together...
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I'm not familiar with the mod you linked. Blockhead will work if the underwear is part of the body mesh, same way as the vanilla underwear works. If the underwear works the same as clothing or armor you'd need to do something with scripts similar to what See You Sleep DLL does for the player (if that is possible ... I'm no scripter).

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