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Will I benefit from 16gb ram?


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Currently I'm using 200 mods on high~ultra mix settings and running on 4x2gb ram but there's a sales coming up for 16gb, would my Skyrim be able to benefit from the 16gb? Or is that just plain overkill?


Not sure if it matters or not but I'm using a Sapphire R9 270x Dual-x 4GB GDDR5 w/ Boost

Edited by aznguy916
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Yes and No. Skyrim is 32bit and will only be able to utilize ~3.1 - 3.8 before it crashes.

However you have stuff like ENBoost which pushes some of the load off to another process, allowing you to basically use more.

My understanding is a little hazy as I never bothered to read the exact details on it but look around for the information about how ENBoost works.


Personally I think if you have the slots for the ram and can spare the cash you should get it.

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I would only use 16GB of ram for rendering. 4gb is considered the norm for gaming for a reason, 8GB tops. I have a massively resource intensive skyrim installed, Total war rome: 2 with graphics overhauls, etc and have never managed to hit the limit of my 8GB. I would recommend faster ram over more ram at 8GB any day. Your better off with ram that can process the data faster, rather then more of it. If your already at 2400 mhz then theres no need to upgrade, if your absolutely desperate to buy RAM then look at DDR4, but if you have 8GB at 2400 MHZ then i think you would be better spending the money elsewhere.

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More than 4 gig is better, as that allows Windows to put anything over what the game uses into that RAM above the 4 gig level. But, if Skyrim is all you are going to do with the computer 6 Gig would be overkill. But as there no 5G motherboards, and not many that will take 6 you will probably have to go to 8 anyway. Normally the progression is 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 gig - with some motherboards skipping the 3, 6 and 12 as sticks need to be installed in pairs on those. if you can afford it, 16G helps to future proof your system. Typically an 8G will use 4x2G taking all 4 slots on many boards. Then you will have to remove those and go with 4x4G to get 16G - meaning you will have paid for ram you can no longer use in that system. IF you are planning on possibly expanding in the future, go with 2x4G to get the 8G for now, ( slightly more expensive than the 4x2G option.) leaving 2 slots open for another 2x4G later to complete the 16G.

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Currently I'm using 200 mods on high~ultra mix settings and running on 4x2gb ram but there's a sales coming up for 16gb, would my Skyrim be able to benefit from the 16gb? Or is that just plain overkill?


Not sure if it matters or not but I'm using a Sapphire R9 270x Dual-x 4GB GDDR5 w/ Boost


No one can answer this question. You have to decide yourself by checking your RAM usage while in game. If it's not at some critical point like %98 usage. Then no, you won't see any difference.

More RAM is good if you need it, it's useless if you don't.

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Currently I'm using 200 mods on high~ultra mix settings and running on 4x2gb ram but there's a sales coming up for 16gb, would my Skyrim be able to benefit from the 16gb? Or is that just plain overkill?


Not sure if it matters or not but I'm using a Sapphire R9 270x Dual-x 4GB GDDR5 w/ Boost


No one can answer this question. You have to decide yourself by checking your RAM usage while in game. If it's not at some critical point like %98 usage. Then no, you won't see any difference.

More RAM is good if you need it, it's useless if you don't.



Oh I see, how exactly do I check for ram usage during a game? Is there a program for it?

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Agreed BBen, my skyrim + enb use more then 4GB themselves! but then many gamers wont ever come close to that ram usage on a single game, at least for the next few years. Only thing that comes close to my knowledge is Shadows of Mordor with HD installed but even that grossly overestimates the necessary specs.


Easiest way is to check ram usage is Task manager, listed as physical memory % at the bottom, as someone who's never looked into it i cant say whether its as accurate as dedicated monitoring software, but don't see why it wouldn't be.

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Oh thanks! I seem to be running on between 4gb and 4.50gb depending on locations. Haven't tested in heavy effect environments yet though.


Just tried in performance heavy settings and it seems that it could jump up to around 5.50~6gb.
Edited by aznguy916
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