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I might be new to the Nexus, but in no way I'm new to this mind blowing game.

I have vanilla Oblivion with The Shivering Isles add-on, no other mods, patches.. nothing.

I downloaded th 1.2.416 Oblivion patch and tried to install it, I got "Old files not found" message.

I know I might have downloaded the wrong version of the patch, but I'm also concerned about somthing else, which I found on the patch download page, I quote "if you have Shivering Isles, just use the shivering isles patch", that "just" is the thorn in my side, is the Isles patch standalone? especially when it is only 1.1mb as opposed to Oblivion patch being 5.3mb, so do I have to install the Oblivion patch first?

I'm also considering downloading the unofficial patch due to all the positive feedback I saw, but I have a bug I didn't see on the changelogs, do I list it here or on a new thread?

Thanks for your time

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Welcome to the forums :)



Oblivion_v1.2.0416English.exe(5.1 MB) 04/30/2007

This patch is for North American (English) versions.


This patch is NOT compatible with copies purchased via direct2drive or localized versions of Oblivion.


Please Note: You do not need to install this patch if you have already Installed the Shivering Isles expansion.


So, you would use the Shivering Isles patch provided on the top of the screen at http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm only.


The UOP is a must have, it fixes so many things :) Get it :D What sort of bug are you having?

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Thank you Illiad86 for the response.


As for the bug, it concerns my lvl27 orc character, whom I deiceded to turn into a vampire (some extra strength can't hurt), what happened is that I entered Capstone Cave at night, had my business done, to exit with the sun already up.

I started taking monderate sun damage, so I made a quick save and tried to run to a nearby ruin I was planning on visiting, I thought I had enough health for that, but I didn't make it.

The problem starts as I try to load, both the quick save and the auto save will crash to desktop. It's highly unlikely that they're both corrupted, I think it is a bug due to saving while taking sun damage (both the quick and auto saves are done outside), and the only solid save I had was 3 levels away, even before I became a vampire.

The only vampire-related bug I found on this (and other) site is regarding face textures.

So, waddya think?

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Sure hope so. :confused:

I don't wanna bail out on the 170 hours I spent on that character.

I happen to be a fan of slow levelling, but it has its bnefits.

My character is a heavily armoured hammer swinger that can summon a daedroth and cast Frost Tsunamis and Chain Lightning (Spells I came up with)

I could go back to the solid save and abandon 20 hours of game play and Thor knows what Items I got..meh

I'll just wait a couple days maybe someone can get me through this. :wallbash:

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