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Fast Travel - more informations before travelling


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Hi there.


I think it would be really great if, you could be able to know how much time it will take to fast travel from your position to another, just like in fable and fable II.


This indication would be directly shown when displaying the confirmation message (do you want to fast travel - it will take approximatively x hours - yes/no), or maybe by activating an object, the Compass (or the Goggle) who would bring the map, and indicate you how much time you will take to go from your position to your destination. In this case the object would have to be bought, maybe with different variants (indicating you the time it will take to travel with more or less precision).


I have absolutely no clue if it is possible or not, but if it is, that would be so cool to know how much time it will take instead of playing russian roulette everytime you fast travel.

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I care. I've often wondered what time it will be when you arrive at your destination and I'd use such a feature. The less I have to wait around in the wait system the better. :P


For example: knowing if I will I reach Megaton in time to catch Moira's shop open, or if I should skip that and do something else instead, would be handy.

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I support this with all my heart. I hate trying to get to moiras, arriving just as she closes, and having to wait till morning.


The Book of Mark can help you with that. ;)

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