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(Player Home Request/Commission Wanted)


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Hello everyone. Alright so I'll get into the nitty gritty on this.

I would like to have someone build a player home, preferably close to Whiterun, maybe put the entrance on the mountainside on the way to it from Riverwood. This will end up being a quest as well, for those who got the time to read feel free to PM me your email so I can send you the script I'm writing as this will end up being a mini story. (Note it will be quite long and the build will end up being a medium sized estate.)

First off it's not a normal above ground house, instead it starts out as just another cave. As you go into the cave you find a Dwemer door with Four pipe systems that both have 4 switches on them, two doors on the left, to on the right, above the door is a symbol and there will be a paper explaining what it is. Once you solve a specific answer to the puzzle the door unlocks and you can go into the first room to the next puzzle which will lead into the great hall of your new possible home. The puzzles are all meant to make you think, look for clues, and learn certain symbols and the numbers behind them, maybe do some math. I plan to write up the lore and reasons of it all once I find someone willing to go the whole creation kit thing. I just need someone who is good with building and scripting switches.. ( The puzzles each would get more complex, getting wrong answers will spawn centurions and traps.)

The end game of this is you get to be the "High Engineer" of an underground Dwemer hold that can be populated by NPC, followers, and friendly automations.

PM me or Email at [email protected]


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