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Purple air in Natural Environments mod


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I recently downloaded the Natural Environments mod by Kibosh, put the air always turns purple for some reason. I have switched the normal one and the HDR one and even put them on both, but it keeps purple. It's a real pity, since I really want to enjoy the full mod.

And apparantly, the wildlife turns purple too...


Anyone help?

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Natural Environments is outdated. You would do better to get All Natural , which has NE features incorporated, amongst others.



Edit: Sorry for the double post. First one gave an error that said it wasn't sent. Oh, well.

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Hrm, just poking my nose in here since we're already on the subject. I did not realize Natural Environments was considered outdated. I use the Natural Vegetation and Natural Habitats plugins from NE. Are there updated versions of those included with All Natural? I don't want the full AN install... I have another weather mod that I prefer. I just really like the thicker foliage and the birds & insects from Natural Vegetation \ Natural Habitats.
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Hrm, just poking my nose in here since we're already on the subject. I did not realize Natural Environments was considered outdated. I use the Natural Vegetation and Natural Habitats plugins from NE. Are there updated versions of those included with All Natural? I don't want the full AN install... I have another weather mod that I prefer. I just really like the thicker foliage and the birds & insects from Natural Vegetation \ Natural Habitats.


I haven't tried this, so I am not endorsing it, merely offering it as alternative: Enhanced Vegetation


You might also want to try Enhanced Water v2, which is far superior to that in NE.


I don't know of an insect/bird mod other than the module in NE -- can it be ran independently?

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Yes, I am running it independently. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I don't use the full NE, it's too buggy. Just the plugins Natural Vegetation and Natural Habitat. I have a separate weather mod and a water mod as well. I'll give Enhanced Veg a try, thanks! Seems like you can scale it bigger than you can with NV anyhow.
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