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Some people don't apreciate the old games


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*sigh* Kids these days...


No appreciation for what came before, the pillars of stone upon which the foundation of gaming itself was built. Kids don't appreciate things from the good old days ever since the 80's and 90's.

Well, I say that's ridiculous. Dissing Pong and Lauding Halo for graphics is a hypocritical thing. After all, virtually all old games were the most stunning, cutting edge graphics ever seen at the time. The little things added up to great things. People these days value the polygons over the content. I'd rather play a game that is crappy graphics and a blast to play than a great graphics game that bores me to death. But I guess kids will be kids: not recognizing something for content, judging book by cover...


*starts humming Cee Lo's "Old Fashioned"*

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yeah, coming from a home where my brother was involved in music all his life, I dont get this whole Guitar hero thing. As you said, learn to play the real guitar, much bigger pay off.


Tho when it comes to drums im sure there are millions of happy parents with the fake drum sets.


Talking about old Gold Box games, what I miss most from those games is having th THINK your way outta stuff, even if just combat. You didnt have endless fireballs, endless mana, special attacks that kill 100 enemies!


You had to think, manuver, counter attack, delay


I LOVED the old gold box games for that! Its what got me addicted to Never Winter Nights on AOL for a couple years before all the UOs and EQs and what not came out.


Now its just react react react! Where is the thinking part?


closest thing ive found to old AD&D games are Dragon Age Origins and The Witcher! The Witcher 2 (see my sig) looks amazing



I loved all the old Gold Box games! I wish gog.com would cut a deal with SSI so we could get our hands on the games updated to run with Vista. I am hopeless with Dosbox lol. I've found copies on ebay, but unless I get figure out Dosbox, I'll just have to wait.

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It kinda ticks me off when people say " I don't play games with bad graphics" and don't even consider the actual game! Like morrowind or daggerfall, I keep seeing people bellyache and moan about how ugly the graphics are and claim that it is unplayable. I went from oblivion to daggerfall without any complaints about the graphics, in fact, I think they are not so bad, at least you can see a person standing there. I bet other games are being treated like this as well.


What??? Morrowind has great graphics and atmosphere aside from the blocky meshes, especially if you play at high resolution (although it is a bit overly brown...but I found that, when I installed a texture mod to add more color, I didn't like it as much).


I do have to say, the complaining about "the younger generation" (yes, I realize most of you are kidding around [no pun intended]) in some of the posts in here rings hollow - these arguments have existed since the first generation had grandkids. There are always younger people who prefer the "now" and follow the mainstream and then there are those who can appreciate vintage. Playing on the Internet (especially Xbox Live, and 4x so on any Halo or Call of Duty game) is not a good sample size of today's youth.


Anyway, I find that some older games still look good compared to today. Games like Diablo 2, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and newer games like Silent Hill 2 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (which looks like it's on the Xbox 360 despite being on the original Xbox) still look amazing. Oblivion, while a current-gen game, would be considered quite old in terms of the technology world, and indeed it does look a bit dated, BUT with mods, it's the only game I've ever played to continue to wow me and make me want to take screenshots.

Edited by rinoaff33
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hell i still play the old MS-DOS games and even try to mod them

damn i still remember good old wolfenstein 3d, or Rise of The Triads, or Doom, or even blake stone, duke nukem, duke nukem II and duke nukem 3D

i still play them eventually, but after you finished them for the 138th time you just get sick of it

also, if i knew any kiddo that dislikes the old, REAL games, i would knock the one in the head until it suffered from amnesia, and then i would introduce the kid to the old games, then let the kid know about the newer games, as it should happen by nature :thumbsup:

also, when i saw Doom3, i got so frustrated that i used the DVD to break the game's case to pieces, don't ask me how

same thing for quake4, i just hated it

and sin?

i still remember when i played the first sin, then ritual started to make the sin episodes but suddenly gave up and left me like this:9 promised episodes, 1 in hand...

i hate ritual games now, and will hate them forever, until they start working on sin again

actually i think Ritual doesn't even exist anymore...

Ritual entertainment had some devs from Duke Nukem, that explains some of the really OMG language used in-game, which i LOVED and also learned English on...

also, really, oblivion has one of the most attractive engines ever...

6 years after it's invention, and it's still kicking, and kicking good!

and heavily moddable too, i wonder if when bethesda releases Skyrim, they will open their old decommissioned Gamebryo engine even more, allowing us modders to play with the engine as much as our capabilities can go...

ok, i won't say anything more about old games, because accessing old memories in my brain, while being pissed off with guys my age that say "that game has bad graphics i won't play it" might make my nose bleed, and i might lose consciousness...

or start kicking and destroying everything around me...

both are bad options...

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Hey saw this topic and since I used to be really big on graphics, I thought I'd pop in. I was around for the N64's time always loved it when games improved and graphics became better. When I got into PC gaming, I didn't know anything about computers or graphic cards or even what RAM was. Funny enough Oblivion was my turning point cause I could barely get it to run even on lowest quality! I started looking into stuff and slowly built up the computer to run medium. Later of course I kept improving for the newer games and the top graphics I could pull off. Graphics always took top priority when it came to games for me.


Graphics played a huge role for me until I payed attention and realized that a lot of them suck because they lack a lot of the other elements aside from looks or if it's too dumbed down like comparing Morrowind to Oblivion. I'm a huge RPG fan so customization and choices are a huge thing for me in the games. I held Oblivion above Morrowind because at that time I thought "well it's newer and graphics are better so it must be better." WRONG! When I finally found what I truly sought in RPGs, Morrowind rained supreme. Soo many more skills and choices. Similar applied with the Resident Evil series. I was excited with RE 4 and 5 thought they were amazing and great and they the graphics were really good. Then I played the original 1-3 on my gamecube (plus number 0). The graphics deffinately weren't as great (except the RE 1 remake and RE 0) but I loved it so much more than 4 and 5. They had great game play and story. I actually felt a bit scared in some parts where as I never did in 4 & 5. Puzzles where a pain but I loved them and learned that ammo should always be used sparingly.


In short I learned while graphics are great, they don't guarantee a better game. Older games I've played have turned better than their sequels because the companies decided to make less choices and/or skills (depending on the game) and made things more obvious of what to do so they could appeal to the newer generation which I might be part of that generation come to think of it (I don't know how that all works so maybe).

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those ppl never will like because of the graphics....since 2004 game corporations will now only think with head straight in increasing the graphic level detail.

Most teenager never will appreciate the beginning of how it started.

I do will appreciate the old games because they were initial start of all.The firsts interactions and mechanics,the simply graphics and good story.

The old games will be remarkable forever.

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omfg u r all nubs bcuz u no play teh gud gamz like Bleck ops with teh graffiks!

Lol nubsssss!!!!!


(That was sarcasm, please don't kill me)




People these days are forgetting, that a good game is a game with gameplay, if you have a game running on Cryengine 3 with the single feature of pressing the arrow keys to walk, would it be a good game?Well, yes, BCUZ IT HAZ TEH GRAFFIX U GUYSE!!11!1

Producers should follow Bethesda and go back to making games with content and atmosphere, not publish the same FPS with slightly updated graphics every year.

Since the rise of Asian free to play MMORPG's gaming went straight down the pit of loreless grinding. I like old games because they have lore and atmosphere to compensate the graphics.



In summary, graphics are just the fancy wrapping of the game, the actual gameplay is inside the box.

Edited by trollioslulzicus
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I like this topic. I feel a bit different though, because i fall into the younger generation of gamers yet I love tons of old games. I grew up on Quake, Diablo, Doom, and Heretic/Hexen, Starcraft, etc.


I realize that graphics don't make a game, but they don't make the game bad either. What it seems like everybody forgets, is that a lot of old games at the time, WERE pushing graphics at the time, its the same boat as now, but there's a big difference. Companies would stand out by making amazing looking games back then, but they also wanted to make a good game and get recognized. They enjoyed making the games, so they put their heart into the games, and it really shows in some of them.


The atmosphere in Diablo 1 is a perfect example of something that is yet to be recreated in any other game.


I can appreciate any type of game as long as its a good game. I first played Morrowind, then Oblivion and loved them both. I saw Daggerfall videos and thought it looked interesting, but i kept reading s*** about how the GFX sucked and the gameplay is dull and repetitive, etc.


But then I played it. Now, it is my favorite TES game out of any of them. I feel like the older graphics do add to the atmosphere (like someone mentioned before) and it's the only TES game that manages to scare me from time to time. The music is excellent, and the world feels alive. Sure, it may be repetitive, but look at oblivion. They have said that they made everything with the exception of the cities by copy pasting, and random generation with some tweaks. Every dungeon in oblivion felt the same, just as many feel similar in DF. Though with DF, i find it adds to the gameplay that i can get lost in a bigger dungeon, unless i carefully watch my route. Just as it adds to the game world that people don't wait for you (time limits on quests, sometimes people give their quests to passerby)


All in all, it really surprised me, and i love it. (i was 16 at the time btw) There's no third person, sure, but it's awesome to be able to choose so many different clothes to wear, and to put on capes, and take off the hood, etc. I get this feeling of it being my own character moreso then i do in Oblivion or Morrowind.


Even the weather system adds to the atmosphere, and snow actually covers the ground. It seems like Skyrim is taking some ideas from daggerfall, as Todd Howard has before expressed his interest in revisiting DF (maybe that's one of the ways) but we will see how that goes.


I just hate when people say NOSTALGIAFAG or anything like that, because they are more guilty of being a graphics prostitute then I am of being a nostalgia fag. Sure, nostalgia has some base in it, but give me a game with the same atmosphere as DF, Diablo, or hell even Quake, with modern graphics that feels as good, and I would still enjoy it.


It just sucks people my age just look at graphics and don't see what generic, repetitive gameplay actually is and miss out on the deeper experiences.


But seriously, imo the music is just awesome, especially when it snows:

Edited by Bloodshot12
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