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Granny it's not the whole "gay propaganda" that some people keep on referring to although I do not see it. It's just weird as a kids show in general, especially for a show targeted for 0-18 months. I grew up watching sesame street and play school and seeing teletubbies just freaks me out (I think it's because of a nightmare I had once, I don't really remember). I think children's shows should bring the parents as well as the child so both parties don't feel alienated, not exclude one from another.


Oh and 1


0 - Well I guess I shouldn't really say anything since I never even saw the program, but when I heard that people were saying that a children's play character on a tv show was supposedly "gay", I just about lost it. It's bad enough that people gay bash real people, but now they were gay bashing puppets?? It just made me wonder is all.. But, as I said, I never even saw the show. My son grew up on Seseme Street too, by the way.

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