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Why i keep getting ignored? CTD after loading


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Possibly a conflict somewhere near your external cell. Either something script-wise, spawns or two mods trying to edit the same cell space. The other possibility is that Skyrim simply isn't able to handle the mods you're using en mass. Unfortunately error checking mod combos is pretty much impossible as everyone uses a different set.

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Error checking mod combos isn't impossible it's just a pain to do and no one wants to do it for anyone but themselves - which answers your other question.


The following is standard trouble shooting for mod issues not pinned to a single mod (this is why you test every single mod in your install as you go, individually and with all your other mods - to pinpoint problems at the mod from the very beginning).

  • First - have you verified your game files through steam and updated to the latest patch?
  • Second - uncheck all your mods, start a new game, save after the chargen. This will be your 'tester save.' Do Not Overwrite or Delete this save.
  • Third - Enable five mods.
  • Four - Go into game with your tester save. Run from one end of the game world to the other. Go into a few cities. Interact with a few things that are mod related. See if anything crashes.
  • Five - No sign of problems? Repeat 3-5. It crashed or something's not right? Go to step 6.
  • Six - something crashed? uncheck one of the five mods then go back to your tester save, repeat step 4.

Continue until you have found and fixed your error.


See - a total pain no one wants to (or really can) do for you. Good luck.

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