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Alexstrasza, The Life-Binder


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"Eonar, the titan patron of all life, gave a portion of her power to the red leviathan Alexstrasza. Ever after, Alexstrasza would be known as the Life-Binder, working to safeguard all living creatures of Azeroth. Due to her supreme wisdom and limitless compassion for all living things, Alexstrasza was crowned the Dragonqueen and given dominion over her kind."


- www.wowwiki.com/Alexstrasza


I'd like to see Alexstrasza's humanoid form somewhere in Skyrim, whether as an armour mod, a follower, or a playable race (the latter two would be awesome, but I'll take what I can get - after all, this is the modding community, and it's up to the modders in the end, not the requester!)




EDIT: As a footnote, please ignore the name of the attachment. That's literally how it saved to my computer. I'm not arguing, but I prefer less "13 year old boy" filenames.

Edited by AlduinWorldEater
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