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Added objects showing names.


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As you can see in the pic some of the objects I added to the editor show their names when you walk up to them. I guessing I added them as the wrong kind of object perhaps? Is there any easy way to fix this or do I have to go back add these all over? Thank you.




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The name is easily removed (or changed) in the CS for objects that you don't want a name shown on. Just don't change the ID name.
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Thank you once again Hickory! I was terrified at the prospect of having to redo all those objects.


Kudo to you.


EDIT: It will only allow me to subtract a kudo. Is there a certain you need to wait between giving them?


I've never encountered a time limit for kudos to members --- that's not to say that one doesn't exist. However, as I understand it, you are only allowed to give each person kudos once, so if you already have done so, that may be why you are only offered the deletion.

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