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Horse's Foot Sound...On The Water


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Only to make the game more realistic....



When the player walk (NOT swim!) from land to water, we can hear the sound change from footstep to water sound...

But when you're on horse & your horse walk from land to water, there's NO water sound!


Anyone know how to enable horse's foot sound on the water?

I think it can be enabled through Oblivion.ini file??


Pls let me know if you know...


(P.S: Gonna give you Kudos for your help) :sweat:




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I don't think that horses, or any other land animals, have footstep sounds for water. You can set your character footstep options in the ini, but not for animals. It could be done, by somebody skilled in addings sounds to the game, I suspect.
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Hey...u again, Hickory... :thumbsup:


i thought the sound can be enabled in the .ini file like actor's reflection on the water...i was wrong then... :whistling:


Okay, then...i'm gonna post this to file request forum...


Thanks for your info, Hicko...

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