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Problem with Load Order


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I've recently reinstalled Oblivion on my PC (I uninstalled it a while back), and I also installed a whack of mods that I found essential. I planned it all out, got every needed utility, installed SI, patched the game, then installed required mods/utilities (OBSE and the like), then installed large-scale mods (Underdark, the realm of Northdark, and better cities and such), then I installed other sorts of mode (animation replacers, deadly reflex, unnecessary violence), then, lastly, I installed weapons/armor/house mods. After all this, with testing every once in a while between mods, when I go to start up oblivion (through OBSE) it begins to start up, then right at or right before the "Bethesda" screen, it closes to desktop. I went through load order, used BOSS, turned off many mods, and still it doesn't work. I'm posting this here to see if anybody can tell what is wrong with my load order that I might have missed. Load Order in OBMM:



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COBL tweaks is a filter only plugin, and requires a bashed patch -- it will crrash your game if enabled. You need to install Wrye Bash and create your bashed patch AFTER you have corrected the load order with BOSS -- use the BOSS suggestions or turn your Bash Tags (bottom right) to Automatic.
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Okay, I managed to fix the load order, but shortly after I realizd my game is completely broken. I don't know why or how, but it is. Even without mods, it frequently crashes, first person doesn't even work (the camera is about 4 feet away from my character's body) for some reason about half the time I attack, it crashes, I can un-equip items, but it still shows on my character's model, and that's only what I've found so far. I think I'm jsut going to give up on getting oblivion on my deasktop PC, and instead just live with the extreme lag on my laptop.
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