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Texture problem - left and right halves different


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Hello I just made my first armor mod in Oblivion
I modified it to expose midriff but the problem is left and right halves have different skin tones - left one darker then the other
I have set the "Skin" in NifScope and it still happens + even the brighter half is darker then face and nude skin tone
thanks in advance for any help :)

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The reason I asked is it sounds like what happens when you put vanilla armor on a modded body or vice versa. Is the armor a NifSkope mashup or did you create it in Blender?

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Make sure the textures point to "textures\characters\imperial\female\footfemale.dds" on the exposed skin portion's NiTexturingProperty -> NiSourceTexture (as well as being set to skin, as you've indicated is the case).

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OK I see now. Not the extreme case I was picturing in my head (vanilla textures applied to HGEC), but it is a known problem. You can try Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer. I personally didn't find it made that much difference, but you can give it a try and see what you think.

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