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Texture problem - left and right halves different


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Until someone better stops by let me ask: Have you checked the nif of your armor to see if it uses the correct texture? Compare the nif's texture paths with the armor of your second picture just to make certain.

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Update: I tried to watch it in Blender in Textured mode and it is all okay in Blender so I really don't know

Update2 : I DID IT ! :D
The problem was in the HGEC nif .. I dunno why when it was normal otherwise but downloading the HGEC nif again helped
Thanks everyone for the help :)

Edited by davidbystr
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Hmm ... maybe that's why I see some anomalies with certain NPCs. I use BBB Designer Body Spell to give more variety to female NPCs (well I used to, now I'm starting to use Blockhead). I'll need to pay close attention and see if it's just certain body NIFs. Thanks for reporting back.

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