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Game saves disapearing?


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I just encountered a problem where I attempted to save a game but later when I went to load it I found that it wasn't shown.

I quickly went to my save game folder and it wasn't there either. I'm kinda freaked out since I'm worried that my saves are getting deleted somehow.


Does anyone know of a reason this may be happening?


also to add on, it seems that the game does overwrite saves but does not seem to finish the process so the previous save gets erased but no new save is made...or so it seems to me.

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Does the same happen if you save a game from the console? Open the console (~ key) and type:


save "my save name"


WITH quotes.

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Does the same happen if you save a game from the console? Open the console (~ key) and type:


save "my save name"


WITH quotes.


The console works, thanks. Ill just have to do it that way at the very least until i figure out the cause. appreciate it.

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The only saves that should be overwritten automatically are the auto saves. Any save the is made using the new save should not be overwritten unless you specifically ask for it. As long as you have enough hard drive space, it doesn't matter how many saves you have, I have had over 2000 saves with no slow down or problems.
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