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Concerning Elves and Clobbering Vaughan


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Ok, I play elves (I like them best) and when you play City Elf I believe there should be an option to seriously kick his ass right then and there. I know you kill him at the end of the origin, but seriously it would be so much better to punch his lights out when he is insulting everyone at the wedding lol.


But if you play as a, elven mage or a Dalish, Vaughan is in the dungeon of his estate and he talks to you like you are not an elf. For this scenario, I was wondering if our elves could give him a beating while he is in the prison cell. Or at least fix the dialogue so that it relates to an elf lol.


It would be seriously cool to punch his lights out or whatever you could manage with a mod :).


And there is another thing when you play through as a non-human. The Revered Mother in Lothering asks you to give her a tithe to the Chantry regardless of what you are. Even if you are a mage (why the hell would a mage want to give money to the chantry?!), a dalish elf or a dwarf (unless you are brother Burkel lol), you still get asked to give money to her. And the options which you don't give money to the chantry are ones that call you heartless and selfish.

What if you don't believe in the goddamn Maker?! What then?

If there is a way to give non believers of the Maker an option which doesn't give you a bad dialogue telling you are a selfish angel. That would be cool :).

I just bloody hate that conversation all the time because the Lothering Revered Mother sees all races as human >.<.

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The money part is easy: it´s for the poor.............

And the Maker part: They are just like the catholic church in the middle age, everybody has to pray to god, if not you´re a pagan and have to die for that crime....

But i think you are right about the vaughan part

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If you're a mage dicked around by the Chantry, why would you want to give money to them? And the dalish don't believe in human religion, why would a dalish want to give money to a HUMAN?! Same goes for dwarves too probably, never played dwarf though lol.


That is my point.

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Even though you may have been a circle mage that was persecuted by the chantry or a Dalish who doesn't give a flying fornication about the chantry, you are now a Grey Warden - defender of the people as well as an insurrectionist and as such you need to create as much good will for the wardens cause as possible. Loosen up those purse strings ya cheapskate :tongue:


As for Vaughn... why simply settle for a beating. Drag him by his sorry rapist [censored] to the torture chamber and give him a few spins on the rack while dog gnaws at his private parts. :devil:

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