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Nappa had his scouter biped for his helmet slot too. lol


Any who, I'm home now from work and I started on the script now. Here's what I'm thinking of working with so far.


Scn 0ver9000

ref scoutertarget
short powerlvl
short scouter

begin gamemode

if (Iskeypressed3 ??==1)
	Set scouter to 1
	Set scoutertarget to GetCrosshairRef

	if (scouter==1)
		Set powerlvl to scoutertarget.GetLevel
		Message "Battle Level Measurement %.", powerlvl, 10
		Set scouter to 0

; ... more to come


We need a PRE-assigned key for this. I don't approve of immersion breaking prompt menus. So think about what key would be good key for scouters.



Anyone willing do do spiky hair, im working on the scripts for such super sayjin right now. Personal mod just need a hair model and texture :)


Not trying to hijack anyones post :)

Actually, I DO have some Toriyama/DBZ style hair meshes, but they are quake 3 models and you'll need permission from the owners in order to convert and use them. I don't know the owners. You'll have to find them in the documentation or readme files included with their quake 3 mods. I'll get you started in your search.


I'm gonna get my hands dirty with this mod. I want to add Ki detection from distances as well. See you guys in a few hours.


UPDATE: I have a more refined script now but I still need a consensus for which key to assign to using the scouter. Input is needed for this because I don't approve of using in-game prompt menus to select keys for mod usage. It's immersion breaking. I also don't want to assign a key that most people might be using already for something else.


I'm thinking of using P for Power Level Reading, or B for Battle Level Reading.


I'll be back in a few hours after I add some automatic distant "power level" detection, and, maybe get a hold of some sound fx too.

Edited by crippknottick
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I say check out how Unnecessary Violence did its key selections, and let the player decide what key to use.

Before I go downloading and dissecting Unnecessary Violence's plugin please describe to me how the key selection works and what I'll be looking for. I have never played the mod and don't really wish to setup and do so at the moment.




I made a mistake in the message part of the script. Here is the current working one. I'm using a copper amulet as a placeholder for now. I still need to add a way to detect incoming levels that may be a threat to the wearer.


Scn 0ver9000

ref scoutertarget
short powerlvl
short scouter

begin gamemode

if (Iskeypressed3 48==1)
	Set scoutertarget to GetCrosshairRef
	Set scouter to 1
	if (scouter==1)
		Set powerlvl to scoutertarget.GetLevel
		Message "Battle Level Measurement %.0f", powerlvl, 10
		Set scouter to 0


Here are some screens.






Edited by crippknottick
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Looks like during the initiation process, UV uses OBSE's GetKeyPress function to get the scancode, which is placed into a short variable on another quest script; from there, another quest script checks to see what key is pressed, and if the scancode (or combination of scancodes) matches the one in the variable, the rest of the script is initiated.
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That's the thing, I like don't like initiation processes. Maybe I should make the mod an OMOD with different keys in different plugins? This will allow the user to choose his/her key during the installation process and I can still keep total immersion intact.
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You could have an INI file accompany the mod and then let the user set the scancode there. Of course, they'd need a detailed explanation of which scancodes correspond to which buttons.

Two other comment on your script. First, since fQuestDelayTime isn't defined, won't this script only run every 5 seconds? That is, it could be 5 seconds before the scouter runs? Second, you need to include a statement to only display the message if powerlvl > 0...for example what would happen if the scouter button is pressed when there's no target under the reticle?


Oh, and kudos on the script name :)

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You could have an INI file accompany the mod and then let the user set the scancode there. Of course, they'd need a detailed explanation of which scancodes correspond to which buttons.

Two other comment on your script. First, since fQuestDelayTime isn't defined, won't this script only run every 5 seconds? That is, it could be 5 seconds before the scouter runs? Second, you need to include a statement to only display the message if powerlvl > 0...for example what would happen if the scouter button is pressed when there's no target under the reticle?


Oh, and kudos on the script name :)

The script is an object type and can only be used when the object is equipped. (scouter)


I'm not sure what happens when I activate it on nothing. It might say "Battle Level Measurement " or repeat the previous crosshair target reference. I'll test it out and report back.


It says 'Battle Level Measurement 0" on no target with a level. The script also runs forever it seems once the object is equipped. I DID NOT KNOW THAT! What do I do?


Never mind. I used GameMode, that's my problem. *smacks self on head* :wallbash:


OK, here's what I'll do to fix that. I'll make the scouter's attached script start a quest that runs the 0ver9000 script when equipped, then stops it when unequipped. That should fix it.

Edited by crippknottick
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