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new to the forums but not the the series.


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hi i'm new to the forums but not to the games and sofar i enjoed 2 installments the best namely morrowind(not gotten far but loved the storyiline sofar(not too happy with the engine though) and Oblivion(loved the engine but the story was a bit lackluster for me(but the side-quests more then made up for that ;)) and i've also modded bith games(but on;y have officiall addon's for morriwind(because i have the GOTY edition of that one)
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FRESH BLOOD! *chomp* :devil:

Carefull or i might just cut you in ittybitty pieces with my enchanted blades.

a fellow knife collector!


i have a knife biger than your head

well i dunno if i could call me a collector yet but i'm def a fan(plus nomatter what RPG i play if it has swords i always use that the first playtrough nomatter if it would be the weakest possible weapon)

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