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Midas Magic - Tyrael Armor


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Hey, first of all i'd like to say how lovely the Midas Magic AddOn is!


I downloaded the latest version of Midas Magic, and when I go to the shop, I cant find the Tyrael Armor/Wings etc (Don't even have the spell versions).

I've checked everywhere upstairs the closets etc and I just can't find it.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?


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Hey, first of all i'd like to say how lovely the Midas Magic AddOn is!


I downloaded the latest version of Midas Magic, and when I go to the shop, I cant find the Tyrael Armor/Wings etc (Don't even have the spell versions).

I've checked everywhere upstairs the closets etc and I just can't find it.

Does anyone know what the problem might be?



Uh... Midas Magic doesn't add Tyrael armor or wings. It could be one of the spells, but it's certainly not an actual item in there.

Since I'm not sure about them being a spell or not, here's the wings, and here's the armor, as standalone mods.

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  • 6 months later...

i cant find tyrael's armor in a fighting chance, i extracted the file in data and all that but when i go to a fightin chance to buy the armor, she doesn't have it.

what am i doin wrong?


Did you make sure that you activated the esp? If you did, go somewhere else in-game and wait for four days to give the cell and inventories time to respawn.

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yeah the esp is active, i also tried to wait 4 days as you suggested but it didnt work. i cant figgure out what its wrong with this mod.


Please post your mod list, and enclose them in ["spoiler"] ["/spoiler"] tags (without the quotes).

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