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SKSE users who can get 1280 heap size


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Good question "Amyr" I am also curious to know this answer "What are you running" Because i run 250+ mods many heavy hitters, and have yet to see over 350 in the LOG , and i play 8 hour sessions on a regular basis.!


I also run ..768/256.....:)

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I hit it trying to go through the death mountain mod with Asis, AV, ROE, combat evolved, with 2k textures.
There are really large spawns in this mod.

I've got 245 fairly heavy mods. I don't hit it often, but I do hit 768 (as in 1024 - 256 for clarity)

I know that you can set the block higher because I have tested it by setting it in SKSE.ini, opening the game, game crashes at menu, when I check my memoryblockslog.log it shows 1024 on the first block.

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logging of blocks enabled
logging max values only
Timer disabled
Block1 Block2
768MB 512MB
449 256
450 256
451 256
452 256
453 256
454 256
455 256
456 256
457 256
458 256
459 256
460 256
461 256
462 256
463 256
464 256
465 256
466 256
468 256
472 256
476 256
482 256
488 256
489 256
490 256
491 256
492 256
514 256
535 256
536 256
537 256
538 256
539 256
540 256
541 256
542 256
543 256
544 256
545 256
546 256
547 256
548 256
549 256
550 256
551 256
552 256
553 256
554 256
555 256
556 256
557 256
558 256
559 256

Outside for a few mins
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ya camaro's rock, First gen of course...:)


Noticing that even tho you have the second block set to 512, it never went over 256 (which i was pretty sure i read was the MAX for that block)...so ya interesting... am about to finish a rebuild of my setup , with ASIS and Perma this time.....wondering if i hit the 512 first block, this time...:)

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If I remember correctly, when you raise the first block past 512 you also have to increase the scrap heap from 256. What ratio I am not sure. It's on the Memory Blocks page somewhere or you could ask there what the second blocks increase should be in relation to the firsts.

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