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GECK Terminals


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Ok, basically Im creating a mass system terminal networks that will place many new terminals in different buildings and place around the game. Ive modded oblivion and done many things but now im getting into Fallout3 and the GECK is a bit different. What i want to know is:


1. Is it possible to create a new server type? I want to create special server names for these systems.


2. I doubt this one but is it possible to use some way of making one terminal as a dummy in a dummy cell as essentially the ACTUAL server that all the terminals will read/write to. If not i know how to use a quest and quest variables to do so. I basically want to create one terminal and maybe make it the administrator where you can change the system password and so on.


3. Not sure, but can i add a laptop style thing to the players inventory (pretty sure i can do this and i have a laptop mesh/texture) and control specific areas in which it has access to the system (eg. basically the system has a sort of WiFi.)


4. Would it be possible to make a system for "updating the system firmware" which is virtual not the actual updates. And the updated system firmware would add new features.


Thanks in advance for anyone who helps. I know these are sorta newb questions, but hey, we all started modding in the same not know much area. I however quite a bit of experiance making mods for oblivion so i generally know the scripting and how to use the GECK.


Again Thanks!

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Don't think anyone has had your train of thought there, I dare say its quite an original idea. Don't see there being a reason not to be able to make a new server, mess around with the geck and find out. The updated feature there was nice, I think its possible in a bogus way. Linking the "Update" button to the similar, but updated part without a possibility to go back would fool people into thinking it really got updated. I don't know, fool around with it and maybe you'll find out yourself?


To counter the inevitable confusion heres an example;

The first screen shows

>*random name* -> Clicking this leads to, lets say, File Corrupt.

>*random name* -> Clicking this leads to, lets say, Update needed to see page

>UPDATE SERVER (or something)


Clicking the update server link takes you to a new screen that shows


>*random name Updated* -> Backup Found -> *random name page*

>*random name Updated* -> random name page*


Without a possibility to go back to the first screen.


Is that what you mean?


EDIT; I dont think the terminals were made with having one terminal update another in mind, might be possible though.

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Well kinda, I mean with my ACTUAL real wirld bug fixes I would include new optional firmware version to the Laptops and PCs. And what yiou said got my attention I will make a backup feature that will return to the previous firmware. Theres actually going to be a new buisness in the game that "runs" everything I could make the new firmware updates come on a buyable holotape. This is going to be fun to make... Im also looking for anyone who would like to help out this is a pretty big mod.


EDIT: This just popped into my head when its updated youll be using the same laptop it just wont access the say ssame editorID Terminal. Say I have 2 terminals in the GECK for the firmware only one will be used for say V1.0 and when you update the firmware the laptop will now be accessing the second Terminal instead of the first

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Ok I found where the server strings are. Its part of the game settings. Go to the GamePlay menu then settings. All the Servers are under sTerminalServerTextXX Theres 10 of them where XX is the server number. I cannot however find a way to add new ones or Duplicate Current Ones. You can modify current ones to say what you want, but that would cause lots of terminals to say that.
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