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Merchant Issue


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Sounds like a load order issue. Althought I'm not sure how to solve it, you can alternately do one of these:


Start up GECK and check for the base IDs of the items and add them using ingame console commands


Use one mod at a time to buy everything you need then activate them alltogether again.

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tried load order. that just determines which of the mods shows up in her inventory. i have this problem with any mod that alters her inventory.last one loaded is the only one that shows up none of the others will show.is there a way to make all the new items appear or is console the only way to do this.i'd rather be able to enable all the items to show up in her inventory at once.
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The issue, I think, is because of the mods themselves. Because I have multiple mods that change the inventory of vendors, like the Chinese Light Machine Gun mod and Blacwolf's Backpacks, and they both show up in the list ingame. Just try to add them via using the GECK to figure out their base IDs and using ingame console commands to add them to your inventory for now.
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