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Invisible Walls bug in GOA DLC


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So I got the new Golems DLC and I ran into trouble straight away, first two rooms have triggered traps with corpses, second room the corpses "blink" as they have something to loot but hovering the mouse over them does nothing, can't loot them.


Third room has a trap that is not triggered but I can't disarm it and not even trigger it! And to top it all a few yards further than the trap the whole area is blocked by invisible walls...


I tried disabling every mod I have including the other DLC's, starting with a fresh character, importing one from Awakenings, one from Origins, and nothing helps. I still bump into the invisible walls... I looked up with google and some people have the exact same problem but for most the invisible wall bug doesn't happen... Anyone please, help... help my computer before I whack a warhammer replica into it...

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Just disabling all your mods won't help. The changes are created the first time you enter an area so any saves will include the glitches, like Invisible walls. The only solution would be to disable the mods before entering that area of the game.


If you havn't got any previous saves that you can revert to you're either gonna have to restart or see if there is a way to remove them by editing your save in the toolset.


Hope you get it sorted.

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So I got the new Golems DLC and I ran into trouble straight away, first two rooms have triggered traps with corpses, second room the corpses "blink" as they have something to loot but hovering the mouse over them does nothing, can't loot them.


Third room has a trap that is not triggered but I can't disarm it and not even trigger it! And to top it all a few yards further than the trap the whole area is blocked by invisible walls...


I tried disabling every mod I have including the other DLC's, starting with a fresh character, importing one from Awakenings, one from Origins, and nothing helps. I still bump into the invisible walls... I looked up with google and some people have the exact same problem but for most the invisible wall bug doesn't happen... Anyone please, help... help my computer before I whack a warhammer replica into it...


Solution 1: Run up to the wall. Open the console. Type runscript zz_jump_forward and hit the enter key. Repeat every time you encounter an invisible wall that you cannot get around.


Solution 2: Uninstall Return to Kokari Wilds mod and delete the folder it places in your override.

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Hey thanks for the replies, I will try the console code because everrything else fails. I have my saves backed up but no matter which one I try the invisible walls are always there. Also I had the Return to Korcari Wilds mod but I uninstalled it with Mod Manager a few days before getting the Golems DLC, maybe there are leftovers somewhere, I checked in the Windows explorer but I can't seem to find anything related to the RTKW mod anywhere. Next thing I wanted to try was uninstalling the Golems DLC and reinstalling it, but I don't know if it will help, I'll try the console code first, if it gets too annoying and I run into walls every 10 feet or so I'll try the reinstallation and report back.
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Bad news, the console commands runscript zz_jump_around and runscript zz_jump_forward don't work in GOA,, console output states: failure, no such script.... sigh. Tried reinstalling, same thing invisible walls are still there, I also read a horror story about one player that got exact same problem as me, opened a support ticket at EA tech support, they told him to reinstall everything, DAO Origins, Awakening and all other DLC's run no mods whatsoever, and guess what? It still doesn't work LOL + all his savegames got screwed somehow, he even posted a video on Youtube where you can see his character bump into invisible walls... I'm about to give up on the DLC, 5 bucks down the drain for nothing.
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I would try un-/re-installing the GoA DLC before giving up. (Heck, as I've posted before, I'll do a full un/re-install just to test something. So your situation is looooooong way from the point where I'd give up... :laugh: )
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Just finished GOA and to be honest I wish I had not bothered , it was really not worth the hassle , unless I missed something major , like the point of it all....



PS The invisible walls and barred doors are part of it...at least I think they were...

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...had similar problems, which were caused by a mod called "Mysterious Bag V1.2b". The Codex-Entry "A Bronto called Snug" and enemys were not appearing, wherefore it was impossible for me to cross the second cave & move into the areas behind...therefore "Golems of Amgarrak" isn't playable with the current version of this mod, while it's starting! Disabling of this "addin" solved my issues & I was able to playthrough...with all my other overrides & addins! HTH ?!? Good Luck !!!

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...had similar problems, which were caused by a mod called "Mysterious Bag V1.2b". The Codex-Entry "A Bronto called Snug" and enemys were not appearing, wherefore it was impossible for me to cross the second cave & move into the areas behind...therefore "Golems of Amgarrak" isn't playable with the current version of this mod, while it's starting! Disabling of this "addin" solved my issues & I was able to playthrough...with all my other overrides & addins! HTH ?!? Good Luck !!!



Hello, I don't have the Mysterious Bag mod, still have the invisible walls bug, it must be one of the many mods I'm running, I'll have to reinstall Golems and disable everything to see if it works and then enable all mods again one by one to find the culprit, likely suspect is Advanced Tactics mod I think because the first versions made invisible walls appear in the original DAO also. I asked for help in the mod thread but no reply, if anyone can confirm it works with latest version of Advanced Tactics for them I could already scrap that one from my list.

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...had similar problems, which were caused by a mod called "Mysterious Bag V1.2b". The Codex-Entry "A Bronto called Snug" and enemys were not appearing, wherefore it was impossible for me to cross the second cave & move into the areas behind...therefore "Golems of Amgarrak" isn't playable with the current version of this mod, while it's starting! Disabling of this "addin" solved my issues & I was able to playthrough...with all my other overrides & addins! HTH ?!? Good Luck !!!



Hello, I don't have the Mysterious Bag mod, still have the invisible walls bug, it must be one of the many mods I'm running, I'll have to reinstall Golems and disable everything to see if it works and then enable all mods again one by one to find the culprit, likely suspect is Advanced Tactics mod I think because the first versions made invisible walls appear in the original DAO also. I asked for help in the mod thread but no reply, if anyone can confirm it works with latest version of Advanced Tactics for them I could already scrap that one from my list.


Hello again!

I utilized "DAO-Modmanager" to disable one Addin after another, without reinstalling "GoA". After each deactivasion I restarted DAO to check the consequences... :wallbash: ...till I found the "guilty" one...made a backup of the "addins.xml" and reenabled all the other Addins. Works! :woot: Isn't it possible to disable "Advanced Tactics" via a similar tool, to attempt to find out? GL

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