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Highest amount of faces, vertices, and edges for a dagger?


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Ive been working on a crystal dagger inspired by the lost spires but i cant find any suggestions on what the best limit is, so could someone give me a good estimate. Also is it ok to use normal maps, and if so, could you post a link to a good crystal map, i think this normal map would be good.




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Well, first: There's no limit to the number of vertices you can use in a model (Well, probably a limit when the computer sets on fire), but including too many vertices and polys can add to lag. For an example of that, see the Frostmourne mod. If you're not running a good machine, you probably won't be able to use the sword much. For a good example of an average poly count, take a look at some of the stock daggers included in the game.


Next: Normal maps. Normal maps are required for all textures in the game. Without them, they won't reflect light properly, and will turn either invisible or black. To make a normal map, a basic approach is to run your texture through the GIMP Normal Map filter, or an equivalent for Photoshop.


Also: Are you sure that image was a normal map? A regular normal map looks like this.



Some normal maps I've seen look different to accommodate gloss issues and such, though.

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