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AP oberservations, concerns and potential use.


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The AP mod is useful for realistic relationships, it can be used to add depth to romantic relationships in skyrim. if used that way. It works.


The animations are mostly good but I wish there were some less crude diolouge options for role play. Like say your character cares about the other character.


Adult content is what it is. Too bad there is not a romantic version of the mod for people not intresting in the p aspect of AP.


Your character dose not have to be dirk diggler to be intimate with a npc. Like say a wife or lover. Still, even so, its a good mod, with the lets talk , yes dear, option instead of hey there, free of charge.


Also using the mod builds the speech skill in skyrim.


As far as I know there is no other such mod, except from one place, and that place is useless and there stuff exsclusive to there site.

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SexLab Framework surpasses AP in every area I'm afraid to say.

It offers user created plugins that utilize the framework.

There are some plugins for SexLab that actually do exactly as your saying.

Lovers Comfort is one that comes to mind, but there are other plugins that cater for different tastes.


Don't get me wrong as I loved AP and modded it to my own taste, but after trying SexLab and many of the available plugins I could never go back to using AP.

AP is a hard coded source and SexLabs is a Framework that a user can build upon.


Be it a Yarl or Lowly beggar, it's great having a random NPC approach you and let you know they find you attractive and are interested in you.

Or even the other way that a random NPC is repulsed by the sight of you.

Something that AP never had.

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SexLab Framework surpasses AP in every area I'm afraid to say.

It offers user created plugins that utilize the framework.

There are some plugins for SexLab that actually do exactly as your saying.

Lovers Comfort is one that comes to mind, but there are other plugins that cater for different tastes.


Don't get me wrong as I loved AP and modded it to my own taste, but after trying SexLab and many of the available plugins I could never go back to using AP.

AP is a hard coded source and SexLabs is a Framework that a user can build upon.


It's great having a random NPC approach you and let you know they find you attractive and are interested in you.

Or even the other way that a random NPC is repulsed by the sight of you.

Something that AP never had.

Problem is the download is only avalble from LL and if you try to download anything from there it says you dont have permission, you cant even really make an account with them. There stuff is exsculsive I guess. I see no way to really get that mod or its assosated plugins.

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LL is very easy to access, I never had a problem.

I created an account and started downloading.

It was no harder to sign up there as it is to sign up here at nexus.

It's all free and no requirements that I could see.


I must admit I was hesitant to sign up, but after using SexLab framework I have no regrets.

It's a damn fine regularly updated framework that does what it's meant to.

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Problem is the download is only avalble from LL and if you try to download anything from there it says you dont have permission, you cant even really make an account with them. There stuff is exsculsive I guess. I see no way to really get that mod or its assosated plugins.


You need to create account in order to download files. Make sure the mail you're trying register is allowed on their site. I never had any problem with LL before.

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